6: o⃣v⃣e⃣r⃣h⃣o⃣e⃣

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"ne ne, can we pleaseeeeeee go to the beach, pleaseeeeee mommmm!!", toga whined

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"ne ne, can we pleaseeeeeee go to the beach, pleaseeeeee mommmm!!", toga whined.

she was watching a horror movie and saw that one of the characters was being stabbed by this woman on the beach.

you sighed. saying that you'll take them next weekend.

you also needed to get them swimsuits if you all were to actually go. along with sunscreen, bug spray, toys, and a whole lotta other shit.

throughout the week, you had to teach dabi how to control his flames and how to strengthen it while also trying to find his drawbacks.

you also taught all of them how to do hand-to-hand combat. even though you knew all of them would have quirks, fighting with hands was needed just in case.

▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ yeet █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁

the weekend finally arrived and you packed the four little ones' clothes in their animal backpack while stuffing your own in a black bag.

riding the train station there, toga was so excited she kept bouncing up and down on the seat. it took you great effort to calm her.

once you all arrived at the beach, you brought out you towel and laid it on the warm sand. it's been a while since you've been out like this.

although no one really recognized you as a villain, you never really got to go out from all the villain work you occupied yourself with.

after they changed into their swimwear, you told them not to run off too far, and to call you if they needed anything. you applied sunscreen on them so their little bodies wouldn't get sunburnt.

shigaraki stayed by you while toga ran off into the ocean. dabi and twice went to go build a sandcastle.

"you sure you don't want to go play??", you asked the little boy who was sitting next to you.

he simply nodded while you took out your phone and downloaded some games for him to play. 'perhaps he'd enjoy virtual games more'.

focusing on his game, you suddenly heard little footsteps running towards you. looking up, you noticed toga with a tall man.

"himi, darling. who's this?", you asked sweetly. although you can't help but have a slightly bad feeling about this.

"he's the father of my new friend eri!!", she explained happily.

a small girl who looked slightly older than toga walked from behind the man. she had a small horn on her head, white wavy hair, and red eyes.

"is that so??"


you stood up to shake the man's hand, which were gloved.

"nice to meet you. im forsaken (a/n: that b yo villain name), and you are?" he shook you hand before answering.

"overhaul". that name. that name seemed very familiar. shigaraki peeked up to look at that man, making brief eye contact.

as you two were staring at each other. toga pulled eri and ran off to go play.

"do you mind if i join you?"

"not at all", you gave him a smile, but still weary about him. something about him was off putting, yet you weren't entirely sure what it was.

"so, how'd you end up with 4 kids?", he asked, trying to make conversation.

"i adopted them. i like kids so...". 'haha okay (y/n). fucking lie your way outta this'. "and you?"

"i adopted her too, found her on the streets and took her in".

at this point, you weren't sure what to even talk about anymore. it was just awkward silence.

"mommy!!", twice yelled as he ran over towards you with dabi. being slightly surprised, this was the first time twice called you mom.

"what's wrong sweetheart?", you tried your best to keep up this act in front of overhoe or whatever.

"we're hungry", dabi said, answering for him and twice.

you chuckled, thanking that they didn't get hurt or anything. searching through your bag, you pulled out 4 little water bottles and some trail mix that you packed prior.

giving dabi and twice their snacks and water, you set one down next to shigaraki for when he finished his game. then you offered one to overhaul.

he hesitated for a while before he thanked you and opened the bottle to take a drink. as he pulled down his black surgical mask, you caught a glimpse of his face entirely.

'holy shit. he's kinda hot'.

his golden orbs looked towards you. his lips turned up into a small smirk. he held out the bottle and asked, "want a drink?"

you swore right then and there, you busted a nut. it was illegal for someone to look this good.

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