19: d⃣e⃣a⃣d⃣p⃣o⃣o⃣l⃣

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"do we have to??", dabi whined

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"do we have to??", dabi whined.

"shut it dabi! ugh, i wish y'all told me about this project earlier. now we only have one day to finish FOUR projects!", you sighed.

"it's not our fault you were on your dateeee with mr. overhoe yesterday", toga retorted.

"it's chisaki, not overhoe", you said.

once you five arrived at the bookstore, you led them to the research aisle.

"okay, now do you guys have a hero or villain in mind you all want to research about?", you asked, whispering.

"all might", shigaraki said.

"endeavor", replied dabi.

"stain", said toga.

"deadpool", replied twice.

"i...okay jin. sure", you said, looking for any deadpool books.

you found all might and endeavor since they were the top two pro heroes. stain was also pretty easy to find since he made a big debut not too long ago. deadpool...well....it was a bit hard to find, but with enough persistence and the help of the library manager, you finally found one.

you suddenly got a text. taking your phone out, you read it.

'two weeks', from kurogiri.

you sighed and tried not to think about it. you carried the books in your bag and drove home with the kids.

"could we make my costume first??", toga asked.

"wait! we're suppose to make costumes?? i thought we only had to do research on them!!", dabi said.

"yeah! i was gonna research about all might's weakness, then end him!", shigaraki chimed in.

"nooooo, that was only part of the assignment. there was the costume part too", toga explained.

"I DON'T WANNA BE ALL MIGHT!!", shigaraki yelled.

"AND I DON'T WANT TO VE ENDEAVOR!!", dabi complained.

"it's going to be okay!! no it's not! you two are gonna look like wannabe heroes", twice said, laughing.

"mommmm!!", dabi whined with shigaraki.

"can't y'all just switch? dabi can be all might and tomura can be endeavor", you said.

"why can't i just walk in the classroom the way i am? i am the best villain after all", dabi said pouting, crossing his arms.

"yeah yeah!!", shigaraki said, agreeing with dabi.

"either stick with the heroes you picked or switch with each other", you said.

"fine", they both huffed.

▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ yeet █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁

shigaraki and dabi's costumes were probably the easiest since you just went to party city and bought an all might and endeavor onesie.

twice's was a bit hard since deadpool wasn't exactly famous in japan. it resembled a lot of twice's old costume but now he was too little to wear it.

you had to buy a tight bodysuit for twice and spray paint it red and black. you made the belts and swords from old belts and plastic toy swords.

finally, it was toga's turn. stain's costume was complicated as hell!

you had to get bandages, ripped white and red fabric, and make the holders for the many swords that he held.

again, you used plastic toy swords and spray painted some black boots with silver, creating the metallic-like cuffs.

you laid on the floor as you were finally done after hours.

"we're done with our reports!!", toga said, with the other three following behind her.

you were too lazy to look at it and just told them to go to bed. you went to sleep on the floor as you waited for the presentation tomorrow.

▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ yeet █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁

"now, let's have the nise siblings present their heroes and villains costume!!", inko announced.

the class clapped as you smiled. you had terrible eye bags but at least all their costumes were done. you had saw mini bakugo and mini todoroki. they truly looked like their cousins. it was scary how identical they looked. even mini bakugo's arm grenades looked real.

"hi! i'm stain! and my quirk is bloodcurdle. once i cut you and lick your blood, you'll be paralyzed for an amount of time, depending on what your blood type is", toga said, giggling.

"hey, i'm deadpool! no, i'm twice. i don't have a quirk because i'm an american joke! hero! no, joke!!", twice said.

by now, most were already used to twice's contradicting statements, so they just brushed it off.

"hey...i'm all might. i'm always smiling even though it's annoyi—great. my quirk is one for all. i love saving people...", shigaraki said, with MUCH enthusiasm.

"i'm endeavor. my quirk is being a douc—hellflame. it's really hot. so hot that it burns people and relationships", dabi presented.

the class then awkwardly clapped. you gave a ghost of a smile as they all ran towards you.

"can i get out of this gross costume now?", dabi asked, with shigaraki nodding in agreement.

you sighed, letting them get out of their onesies. toga and twice kept their costume on as they were loving it!

"now, for our project in two weeks, we will be holding a ballet concert", inko said, clapping her hands together.

"it's for the appreciation of our parents!!"

you sighed. why was there so many things to do in preschool? while other parents had one to two kids, you had four. that meant that you had to pay 4x the amount that other parents do!

"mama!! i'm gonna be a ballerina!!", toga exclaimed, excited.

"indeed you will. you're gonna be a great one, love".

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