3: s⃣w⃣e⃣e⃣t⃣ j⃣i⃣n⃣

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morning was hell

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morning was hell.

you tried waking them up. key word. tried.

finally getting them to stir, after banging pans and a spatula together, they got out of bed.

"good morning brats!", you called from the kitchen. cooking green eggs and ham, you asked twice to help set up the table.

"thank you for helping", you said with a smile while patting his head.

he nodded while taking a seat. you evenly split the breakfast between you five.

after breakfast, you decided that you should teach them basic edumacation, no matter how much you thought it was stupid. in case they didn't turn back to normal, you didn't think kurogiri would appreciate a villain leader who couldn't even write.

setting a small table with four chairs in front of you, you gave them all pieces of paper and pencils.

"let's start with writing your names", you said.

"our real names?", tenko asked quietly.

"whichever you think best fits you". they started scribbling whatever while you waited. after they were done, you picked up the papers and read each one.

"you want to go by dabi?", you questioned.

"yeah, got a problem with that?", he replied sassily.

you chuckled. shaking your head, you smiled. 'dabi's such a little shit'.

you next looked at toga's. 'toga himiko'. the spelling was correct, but the penmanship could use some work. "good job!"

looking at tenko's, it was blank. you looked up from the paper, confused. "i-i don't like my name", he said quietly, looking down at his twiddling fingers.

"hm. then...how about sticking with shigaraki tomura?" 'after all, that's the name you go by'.

he looked up at you, nodding excitedly. this name, meant something to him. you smiled then proceeded to pick up twice's paper.

it was once again, like shigaraki's paper, blank.

"do you not like your name either??", you asked twice.

he just shook his head and looked down. 'looks like i need to work harder to crack open this one'.

▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ yeet █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁

after hours of teaching how to read, write, and the basics of math, you quickly prepared sandwiches for lunch.

once everyone finished their lunch, you let them roam free around the base, as long as they didn't hurt themselves or break anything.

while everyone was scattered, you saw twice sit alone on the stool of the countertop bar. you took a seat next to him.

"something wrong?", you asked, somewhat worried. he turned to look at you before going back to staring at whatever he was staring at.

"i-if i tell you...promise you won't judge me...?"

you looked confused. what could a 4 year-old be so worried about. "i promise".

"i-i hear voices....in my head".

"and what were they saying?"

"th-they said that you're a bad person...a-and that i'll be a bad person too! is it true...?", he looked up at you, his gray-blue eyes tearing up.

you started internally panicking but your resting bitch face said otherwise. what you said next, you worded very carefully.

"listen jin. and listen carefully. the voices in your head are right...". he started looking tense.

"however, don't let them scare you jin. they're a part of you. a part of your quirk. you don't ever have to worry because I'll be here to protect and guide you".

"b-but they said that we're b-bad people..."

"jin. sometimes the world perceives is as bad. but that doesn't mean we are. everything we do are for a cause. sometimes, you have to look at the world from another point of view"

"..ya feel...?"

he seemed to be deep in thought. you didn't lie, you were a villain and he grew up to be a villain too. however, you weren't going to keep the truth from him either.

he slowly nodded, seemingly to get the gist of your point. you smiled, hoping you didn't overwhelm him too much.

he plopped off the chair and ran away. 'wow. great job (y/n). you successfully scared him away'.

surprising you, he came back with a book from shigaraki's room. he held it out to you, waiting for you to grab it.

standing up, you guided him to the couch. you sat down and patted the space next to him. he sat down right next to you while you opened the book of Cinderella.

"once upon a time..."

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