18: m⃣a⃣r⃣c⃣o⃣-p⃣o⃣l⃣o⃣

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"ah yeah!! pool time!!", toga chanted

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"ah yeah!! pool time!!", toga chanted.

you just smiled as you drove the 4 brats to a small private pool. you were also suppose to meet overhaul there as part of yalls redemption date.

he had suggested a private one most likely because of his hate for public germs.

you had also learned that his real name was chisaki kai. so out of respect, you gave him your real name too.

"eriiiii!!!", toga yelled as she got off the car and ran towards her.

"hi himi!", eri greeted.

all the kids were already in their swimsuits so all they had to do was take off their layers and jump right into the pool.

"hey chisaki! thanks for inviting us to this private pool", you said, giving him a smile.

"of course. it's much more cleaner here than out there", he responded as you two walked to some chairs by the pool.

you had brought floaters, pool noodles, and a beach ball for the kids.

you took off your oversized t-shirt as you stepped into the pool. the water was warm against your skin as the sun was bright.

you looked at the kids who were playing with each other now.

toga was carried by twice while eri was carried by dabi. shigaraki was the judge for who was faster. you smiled as you watched toga hustle twice to go faster. dabi smirked as he took long strides in the water.

"suck it, losers!!", he said as he was a bit ahead.

"come on jin!! we gotta beat them", toga whined.

"you try running under water! it's impossible!! no it isn't, i just want you to lose", twice said.

you chuckled, suddenly feeling a hand on your shoulder. you turned around, seeing something that almost made your nose bleed.

"o-oh chisaki! sorry, i didn't notice you getting in", you awkwardly laughed as you tried to keep your eyes up.

it was very hard considering he was an attractive male, around your age, that had abs and liked kids.

you internally sobbed as you looked away. 'this ain't it chief, this ain't it'.

"don't worry, and you can just call me kai", chisaki said.

he had his mask off so now you could see all of his face. you then also noticed that he had a few ear piercings.

'god...or satan, this is a sin'.

"mama!!", twice yelled.

you whipped your head so fast towards the noise, you thought you might've broke your neck.

"what is it, love?", you asked, internally thanking twice for taking your attention away from the underdressed overhaul right now.

"come play with us!!", toga whined.

"mm, okay. what do you kids want to play?", you asked.

"marco polo!!", dabi suggested.

"not it!!", they all yelled, touching their nose. even chisaki was touching his, smiling at you.

you sighed. "fineee, guess i'll be marco. but you all better watch out. cause imma get ya!", you warned.

you closed your eyes and started counting to 20.

"marco!", you yelled out.

"polo!", yelled many voices.

you started walking towards someone. you heard water splashing as they tried to quickly scurry away from your chasing.

the others silently giggled at the scene.



you knew who you were chasing, so you stopped. you wanted to get dabi or toga, the two little troublemakers.

after about another 5 minutes, you finally felt someone. you touched someone's chest and you immediately cursed yourself for doing so.

there was only one other adult in this pool and you wondered if this would've counted as sexual assault for touching his chest.

you hesitantly opened your eyes, seeing the one and only, chisaki kai.

"gotcha...!?", you awkwardly smiled.

he took your hands and held them. he leaned down a bit and whispered.

"and how long were you planning on holding onto me", chisaki teased.

you quickly skrted back, blushing profusely.

'satan, this is NOT fair. we are not going to reenact some cliché drama', you internally scolded.

"guess that means i'm marco now", chisaki said to the kids.

shigaraki swam over to you.

"mama, can you carry me please?", he asked.

you of course agreed and and picked him up. shigaraki was obviously wearing his gloves so he wrapped his little arms around your neck. he laid his head on your shoulder, facing chisaki.

he lifted up a special finger and stuck his tongue out.

chisaki just smirked.

"game on".

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