let's go

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"i want to go on a hike" jess announced coming through the front door. winston and schmidt looked up from where they were sitting on the couch on their phones. however, neither of them said anything. "i want to go hiking" jess repeated herself smiling eagerly at the two of them. "bugs, bears, ungodly heat that makes you feel like you just went swimming— why, jess— i can think of so many reasons you should not what to go on a hike" schmidt shot back in a snarky, bored tone. not at all daunted by his remark, jess smiled brightly and continued "it's supposed to be beautiful all weekend, and my students are learning about different types of trees, and we haven't all done something outdoorsy in a long time!" "you are absolutely right, jess, we should all go...NICK!!!" he yelled while looking directly at jess. she blushed and looked down so to not make eye contact with either of the boys on the couch. nick came in but so did coach to see what the commotion was. jess quickly regained her composure and enthusiastically announced that they all were going on a hike tomorrow because it is saturday. nick rolled his eyes obviously and groaned "jess...." but he didn't say no. he could never say no to jess. "i'm down" said coach. "still a no from me" declared schmidt. jess beamed "great! i'll call cece, and we will leave tomorrow in the morning" she said as she walked into her room. "so you suddenly like
hiking?" winston smirked at nick. "shut it" nick snapped but couldn't help smiling a little. he quickly turned and went back to his room leaving winston and schmidt cackling on the couch.

hey, girl, where ya goin? on a hikeWhere stories live. Discover now