out of the woods... but not really

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"we have no service, so schmidt you need to drive them to the closest hospital" cece began planning what to do when they had only a mile left. the group was hauling, but it wasn't fast enough. "okay" schmidt nodded and whipped his head back to see where his friends were. he sighed when he saw nick carrying jess. if he was anxious, he couldn't even imagine what nick was thinking— he was in love with this girl and she was crying in pain in his arms. she will be fine. she will be fine. schmidt repeated over and over in his head. cece seemed to know what he was thinking and grabbed his hand to comfort him.

"almost there" yelled coach. nick's arms were probably burning, but he honestly couldn't tell. and he didn't care. all he he cared about was the girl crying in his arms. he picked up his pace, but that made jess bounce "ahh" she yelped with each step and then burst into fresh sobs. "i'm so sorry jess" nick said painfully, but he didn't slow down. he tried not to hear her gasp and moan. he tried not to feel her nails digging into his arm. but also he was just thankful that she was doing these things because it meant she was still awake and with him. "nick" jess whispered so softly he barely heard it "i-i need" she started but clasped her hand over her mouth— cutting herself off. nick immediately lowered her to the ground so that she could kneel. she threw up again although she didn't have much left in her stomach. it was basically the water nick had forced her to sip earlier.  she leaned back into nick's arms and started sobbed harder when she was finished. "we have to go" nick urged her while rubbing her back. she shook her head "i-i-i'm s-so-sorry" "no, jessica, none of that" nick argued. "i just need you to hold on for a tiny bit longer.... are you ready?" he asked and she nodded her head very slowly and shut her eyes. nick knew she understood, so he scooped her up again and starting hauling towards the car.

"i see the car" coach yelled. nick literally started jogging. schmidt unlocked the car and nick set jess as gently as he could on the back seat. he ran around before climbing in. the rest of the group climbed in quickly leaving nick and jess their own row of seats. jess blindly reached for nick's hand, and he grabbed it tightly. he pulled her toward him so that she was laying on this lap. he started to feel a bit of relief at the fact they made it to the car, but he couldn't relax until the girl on his lap was no longer sobbing from pain.

"we need to get service and find the closest hospital" cece turned around in her seat as schmidt pulled out of the parking lot quickly. "hand on, jess" schmidt looked in his rear view mirror at the group "we'll get help for you."

hey, girl, where ya goin? on a hikeWhere stories live. Discover now