as long as it takes

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"n-n-ick" jess gasped as he stumbled slightly over a rock. "i'm so sorry, jess" he whispered but did not slow his pace at all. she moaned with his jostling her. "i'm so sorry" he said for the millionth time. "n-n-o than-thank y-you" she choked out. "th-thank you."

suddenly she began to shiver— actually it was more like a violent shaking. now nick thought he was going to the the one to throw up. "two more—" "GUYS!" nick yelled cutting coach off "GUYS HELP!" he begged as he knelt down with jess in his arms. "what is it!?" cece asked quickly "s-she's"
he stuttered, but cece could see her best friend vibrating in nick's arms. "a jacket!" nick exclaimed "there's a jacket— she packed one in this bag!" cece quickly rushed to the other side of nick and dug through the backpack. "it's okay, jess" nick tried to sooth her "we are going to get you back, i promise." jess nodded as cece handed nick the sweater. "here can you sit up?" nick asked. jess nodded and, with help, sat upright and let cece put the hoodie on her shivering body" "okay" nick started to stand up "want me to take her!" coach asked. nick hesitated until he saw jess looking up at him with her wide blue eyes and shook her head. she put her head on his chest and cling to his shirt. that was fine with him, though, because he didn't really want it let go of her either. "never mind" nick said "two more miles" he nodded and smiled down at jess who gave him a small smile back.

"n-n-ahh-nick" "what jess?" "a-re we al-almost there?" she asked. "yes" he told her "yes— can you make it?" although he felt more like he was asking himself. he was so scared— terrified— every time she moaned or gasped when he jostled her. she was in so much pain, and it was killing him. it made his chest burn with worry. she had to be okay. this was jess. there was no way she wasn't going to make it out of this. "n-nick" she grabbed at his shirt "a-are you okay?" he rolled his eyes but at the same time he teared up a little "i'll be fine once i know you are fine" he replied. she didn't even respond because at that moment she groaned and hurried her head into his chest and started sobbing. "i'm so sorry, jess" nick whispered. she shook her head "almost there... almost there..." he kept whispering, and jess just focused on his voice.

hey, girl, where ya goin? on a hikeWhere stories live. Discover now