i'll be waiting

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"nick" jess gasped when they rolled the gurney into a room. "you're okay, jess, it's going to be okay" he reminded her. "can you help move her?" the doctor asked. nick nodded and lifted jess up and moved her to the bed in the room. she looked terrified as he moved her and shut her eyes tightly burring herself into him until he placed her down and she settled for curling into a ball and clinging to his hand. "i got you" he whispers using the other hand to run his fingers though her hair.

"this has been going on all day?" the doctor asked. nick nodded "we went on a hike and she got worse and worse" nick explained shuttering at the memory of carrying her while she was sobbing in pain. nick knelt down by the head of the bed and tried to comfort her as the doctors asked her questions. "what is her name!" "jessica day" does she have any allergies "no" "what is your relationship to her?" "b—" he paused and looked at jess "friend." the doctor nodded and made notes on her clipboard. "one second and i'll go get an ultrasound machine." she left quickly and nick turned back to jess wrapping both arms around her. "it's going to be okay" he whispered and she just nodded which made his stomach clench.

the doctor came back with a nurse wheeling a machine. "i need you to lay flat on your back, sweetie" she instructed as the nurse pulled out a tube of jelly. jess nodded and tried rolling on her back to stretch out, but she paused and gasped and returned to her ball. "jessica..." the doctor paused when nick stood up. he helped turn her on her back despite her gasps and cries of protest. he leaned over and held one hand on her shoulders and one hand on her thighs making she she was lying flat. "nooooo!" jess argued sobbing and turning her head into the pillow. "i-i-i..." "shh.. jess" nick tried to calm her down "just for a second" he flashed a look at the nurse who had already started pulling up jess's shirt to make sure the test was done quickly. "mmm... ah!" jess cried as the nurse pushed the handle of the unreasoned on her stomach. she tried to twist away from it, but nick held her still with a horribly guilty look on his face. "just one sec" jess she whispered as he looked between the doctor and nurse and jessica.

"yeah it's her appendix" said the doctor while the. nurse cleaned jess's stomach off. nick released her slowly and helped her turn back on her side so she wouldn't hurt herself. "there... all done" he said quietly and reached for her hand which she grabbed willingly. "we have to operate now" the doctor told nick. "her appendix hasn't burst yet, but it might be about to." nick nodded. "i'll go order an or to be prepped, and she needs to change into this gown" the nurse placed a folded gown on the bed. nick felt sick. "okay" he nodded and the two left.

"jess" we have to get you changed. "mmm" she shook her head and closed her eyes. nick sighed and ran his hand through her hair. "no, jess, we have to get you changed." "okay" she nodded slowly and let him
help her sit up. she winced as he helped her pull
her shirt off. he turned away as she went to take her bra off. "n-nick" she said after a moment of trying on her own. "i-i need h-help" she told him breaking down in sobs. he immediately turned around. "jess..." he sighed. she shook her head and put a hand to her face. "okay... it's okay" he assured her. he grabbed the gown and held onto it. then he gently reached back to unclamped jess's bra. he then quickly slipped the gown over her head— his eyes not leaving hers. he also helped her lay back and slipped off her gym shorts. again, his eyes never left hers. he loved this girl, but she was in pain, and this was not the time.

the doctor came back and announced the or was prepped. she started to unlock the wheels on jess's bed when jess started to panic. "woah woah, jess, it's okay, it's okay" nick immediately stood over her and held her hand. "they are going to make it stop hurting— it's going to feel a lot better" nick assured her. she shook her head and whimpered holding his hand tightly. "i'll be right here when you get back" he promised. that was it. she raced and let go of his hand. he smiled and leaned down and kissed her still burning hot forehead. still in pain but noticeably calmer, jess let the doctors wheel her bed down to the operating room.

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