not getting better

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being the only one with a big enough car, schmidt drove the crew over an hour outside of los angeles because jess insisted on going to a trail that was "in the real wilderness" instead of a paved trail in their crowded city. cece was in the front, nick and jess and aly were in the back, and winston and coach were in the second row of seats. schmidt hit a particularly big pothole as they were exiting the city. jess let out a small gasp and crossed her arms over her stomach. she scolded herself for making any noise as soon as nick turned quickly and asked "are you sure you're okay?" jess nodded— not as reassuringly as earlier that morning though— and told him that she probably just ate too much for breakfast. he gave her a once over and nodded slowly. "okay, day..." he mumbled, but didn't look convinced.

a little farther into the drive, jess began to feel herself getting pretty cold. "hey, schmidt, can you turn the ac down please" "but i'm still—" "sure, jess!" cece interrupted and turned the cool air down a few notches. "thank you" said jess quietly and hugged her stomach a little tighter. nick glanced her way, but he didn't say anything. aly did, however. "are you having cramps?" she leaned over and whispered thinking that this was a woman problem. "i shouldn't be..." jess thought about it for a second "no, i shouldn't be" she said again shaking her head. "i have motrin?" aly offered "i already took some, but i'll let you know if it gets worse" jess said even though it had already gotten worse, and her own motrin had done all but nothing for her since she woke up. "okay, sounds good" aly nodded and then went back to looking out the window. jess was concentrating though; it couldn't be cramps, she didn't eat that much this morning, and she felt fine yesterday, but she couldn't figure out why she wasn't feeling good.

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