i'll be fine

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jess woke up with a gasp as her obnoxiously loud alarm went off on her phone. she sat up very quickly and winced. her head throbbed a little and her stomach felt queasy. not today she thought and climbed out of bed. she quickly got dressed and swallowed some motrin. she bounced out of her room and into the center of the loft. "WHO'S READY?!" she yelled! "noooo" came a muffleled response from schmidt's room. she laughed and walked over to make some coffee. coach came bounding out of his room with wilson. "let's go!" coach shouted rushing over to nick's door and banging on it and then turning and running to do the same with schmidt's. "FINE" came a shout and schmidt's door whipped open with a grumpy looking schmidt still clad in his pajamas. nick came out a moment later looking identical. "i'm making coffee, so you two better be ready in a half hour so we can go!" jess turned around with a coffee pot in her hand "cece is on her way!" "and so is aly!" added winston.

nick sauntered into the kitchen and opened the fridge. "want some coffee?" asked jess. "sure, thank you" he answered, so she nodded and turned to grab his mug. it was on a high  shelf over the stove, so she stood on her toes, but when she reached up with her arm, she felt a sharp pain in her side. "ah" she winced quietly and took a step back. "are you okay?" nick asked closing the refrigerator. "yeah, yeah" she waved him off "i'll be fine, just an upset stomach, but the motrin should kick in soon." nick nodded "you know, if you don't want to go hiking..." he trailed off smirking "we are going" jess said firmly and smiled. "okay, but tell me if you still don't feel good when we get there" nick looked at her with worry in his eyes while grabbing the mug off the shelf himself. jess just nodded and looked away from him.

just then cece walked in with aly and schmidt came out of his room dressed. "let's go!" cece said excitedly and the group headed out the door.

hey, girl, where ya goin? on a hikeWhere stories live. Discover now