i'll cary that for you

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"this is it!" schmidt proclaimed as the group pulled into a dirt parking lot off the road, "it only took a billion years to get here!" he picked up his phone "and i don't even have service!" he complained. "you have us and the great outdoors" coach said cheerfully. schmidt grumbled and threw his phone in his pocket. "does everyone have water?" jess asked even though she had already asked back at the loft. a chorus of yeses came from around the car where everyone was packing backpacks or pockets. "ready?" nick asked the group, and everyone walked over to meet him. they walked to the head of the trail and then started.

coach was followed by schmidt and cece and then winston and ali and then nick and jess brought of the rear. "how did you find this place?" nick asked "one of the student's mom's told me about it" jess answered "she said it is one of her favorite places, so i thought it would be fun for all of us to try." "this was a good idea" smiled nick "when did you start liking exercise so much" smirked jess and he turned a little red "it can be nice sometimes!" he argued making jess giggle.

they talked for a bit until nick noticed jess getting quieter and more out of breath. "are you okay?" he asked for the third time today. "i'm good!" jess replied a little too enthusiastically, "i am just thirsty is all." she paused and reached into the side pocket of her bag to grab a water bottle. she took a small sip— way too small for someone who just claimed to be thirsty nick thought— and put it back. the others didn't stop, so nick started to jog to catch up. jess started to do the same but she stopped abruptly and put her hand on her side. noticing immediately that she had stopped, nick came up to her side and asked "jessica, what's wrong" again. "i just don't feel great today" she mumbled. "do you want to turn back?" he asked, but she shook her head "we just started, and i dragged everyone all the way out here, and it's a perfect day, and i don't want to ruin it for anyone." she paused "i'll be fine; i'm just being a wuss" she continued walking. "jess..." nick started, but she didn't turn back to indicate she was listening.

about four miles in, jess knew something was up, but she didn't want to ruin the outing for everyone, so she convinced herself that if she just made it through and back to the loft, that some sleep would fix everything. thankfully, schmidt wanted to take a break under some trees so the whole gang popped down in the shade. jess took her backpack off quickly and let it fell to the ground with a loud thud, then she very slowly crouched to the ground on a flat-ish rock. she leaned forward with her arms crossed. "hey, are you okay?" winston looked up and asked causing everyone too look at her. "yeah, i'm good, guys, my stomach just hurts— i must have eaten something bad yesterday" she tried to assure them. "you sure? coach asked, and she nodded and waved them off. a few moments later, aly stood up and asked if everyone was ready to go. everyone stood up. jess, took a very long time to stand up. she reached down and picked up her bag with a quiet moan and winced as she put it on. "jess..." nick walked up "i'm fine" she insisted but he lifted the back pack off her shoulders. it was way heavier than he expected. "what do you have in here?" he gasped "extra water, snacks, a first aid kit, an umbrella, a jacket..." she cringed. nick couldn't help but smile at her thoughtfulness and roll his eyes at the same time at her overpacking "well, i'll take it from here, miss day" nick laughed and slipped the back over his shoulders and adjusting the straps "nick—" "it's okay!" he cut her off "let me do this— you just worry about carrying yourself right now" he smiled kindly. she nodded and did not put up any more of a fight. now nick knew something was very wrong.

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