Mr.1p!Austria: have you ever seen Mrs.Hungary have a mental breakdown over something small?Mrs.1p!Hungary: have you ever had to comfort Mr.Awesome (Prussia) after a nightmare?
Mr.1p!Prussia: weirdest thing Austria has done?
Roderich/ Austria 1p: Ja. I have, alzhough i don't vant to talk about it. I have music to play. Auf Wiedersehen.Elizabeta/ Hungary 1p: Ja, i have. Gilbert can get terrible nightmares und vill usually ask to stay zhe night vith me after vone. I feel bad for Gil. He has been zhrough zo much. I just vish England voudn't be such an Arschloch to him. I understand zhe complicated past but, zhat is in, vell, zhe past.
Gilbert: Hasn't zhe avesome me told jou zhat you dont need to call me Herr Preußen? It makes me feel old! Und I'm avesome not old! Veirdest zhing Austria has done, eh? Vell, zhere was zhis vone time he zhought he vas alone at zhe music room and started singing and playing "Hollerback Girl" I got zhe vhole zhing on camera! Es war lustig!!!!
Arschloch: Asshole
Herr Preußen: Mr. Prussia
Es war lustig!: It was hilarious.
Hetalia Q&A
FanfictionThis was suggested by @SelflessHarm. So, here you go. Feel free to comment your questions to the Countries, and bear with me, ive only seen the anime.....///dont hit me please!!!!!!//