Italia, no really, I T A L I A

16 2 5

A/N: Why is this picture accurate?


Mr.(1p and 2p)!North Italy: most awkward moment with your brother?Mr.(1p and 2p)!South Italy: most memorable moment with your brother?(Sad, happy, weird, etc.)

Luciano/2p!North Italy: When that diva bastard walked-a in on me singing "When Will My Life Begin". Fucking bastardo.

Felicano/ 1p! North Italy: Bella/Bello, what did i-a say about-a calling me Signor Italia? There is-a no need! We are-a friends right-a? Most awkward? Oh-a! That was when i walked in on him and Spain- mmph!

Lovino/ Romano:Shut-a the fuck-a up!  Don't expose-a me! Most memorable? Hmm. When we made-a pasta together for-a America. He hadn't had-a proper meal in weeks-a.

Flavio/ 2p! Romano:Lovi~, you shouldn't be so rude-a to your fratellino. At least yours still talks to you. Favorite memory of il mio fratellino? When we did-a surprrise birthday party-a for him, he-a was so happy. Oh, and darling, you don't- need to call me Signor . Just-a call me Flavio!~


Bella/Bello: Beautiful

Signor Italia: Mr. Italy

Fratellino: Little brother

il mio fratellino: My little brother

Signor: Mister

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