Ooo~ Interesting Pairings!~

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Mrs.1p!Belarus: I promise not to let you down! *salutes*

Magic Trio: I hope I didn't cause trouble

Mr.1p!America: Don't let those mean words get to you!

Mr.1p!China: on a scale of 'cute' to 'HOLYKAWAIIDESU' how cute is panda?

Mr.2p!Russia: dumbest thing you've seen another nation do?

Natalya: *shocked face* I might take you instead of Big Brother, you are funny.

Vladimir: Oh, dragă, you could never cause trouble, you are too drăguţ!

Arthur: Ill translate that for you dear, " Oh, darling, you could never cause trouble, you are too sweet" Anyways love, no, *smiles* you did not cause any trouble at all.

Lukas: Nei, you didnt cause any trouble.

Alfred:What are you talking about, dude? Lukas was talking about Mattias/ 1p!Denmark!  "Dum danser"  means dumb Dane........

Mattias: Norge, you promised not to call me  thaaaaat!~

Lukas: *sips mead once* Oops, I'm under the influence.

Yao: I do not like your small scale, Panda is cutest thing ever.

Viktor/2p! Russia: Hm. Try to hug Markell/2p! Denmark. Got slapped into closet.

Admin: Really? That's it? Not even the time that Leonas/ 2p! Poland got drunk and tried to give Flavio /2p! Romano a lap dance????


Admin: *laughs and dissapears*


One of the funniest chapters to write so far, letting my imagination run loose making things that could possibly happen, though, probably not, but still I'd like to thank SelflessHarm  for the suggestions!! Jeg elsker jer alle!

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