AN: I will leave all of the translations at the bottom, ok? Also i used google translate, any native speakers please, please, please correct me!
It's fine and thank you!
To the opposites/2ps: I want to learn how to get revenge, any ideas?
1ps: I want to know how to properly take care of myself since I recently lost pretty much all motivation to even live (I am trying to get help). Any ideas on how to slowly start my life back up?
2p!England/Oliver: Hello Poppet! I'm dreadfully sorry we are so late! Someone decided to be a little bit difficult. *Glares at 2p! France* You want to learn how to get revenge? Poppet, who hurt you? Ill take care of them, I promise.
2p! France/Francois: Shut up. Ignore zhem. Zhey know nozhing. If you don't give zhem zhe attention zhey want, it gives zhem nozing to use. 'owever, if worst comes to worst, shoot zhem. Ces putains de connards qui vous dérangent paieront, chérie.
2p! Italy(North)/ Luciano: Stab them-a in the back-a. Those bastardos think that-a you are so easy-a to walk over. Li pugnalerò per te, bello/bella. No one should put you down, tsk. Bastardos.
2p! Italy (South)/Flavio: Revenge is best served sweet~! Though I guess-a it depends on-a what they picked on you for-a, sì? Fratello! Fai attenzione al tuo linguaggio!!! Mi dispiace per lui.
2p! Prussia/Gilen: V-vhat? J-jou vant my opinion? O-oh, ok zhen. Vell, jou s-should kill zhem vith kindness. J-jou know, c-confuse zheir heads und emotions. Es tut mir leid, wenn ich dich gestört habe.
2p! Germany/Luthor(Lutz): Shoot zhem. Minimal mess, alzo makes a fun sound! Also, can I have a name, bitte? If not zhat's ok.
2p! Japan/Kuro: Poison them. They think they are wercome to dear with you. You shourd kirr them. または私にそれらを殺させてください。.
1p!America/Alfred: Dude/Dudette, make sure you settle into a routine! I know that remembering things can be hard. Shut up Iggy-brows!! Anyway, dont be afraid to talk to Admin. She really wants to help everyone she can, that includes you. Also dont forget to eat and drink plenty of water. Please take my advice, Grá Beag.
1p!England/Arthur: DON'T YOU CALL ME THAT YOU LITTLE TWAT!! Also how do you know this much about self care? Yes, just listen to Alfred, he may be a twat, but he isn't wrong.
1p! Germany/Ludwig: Mein Schatz, geht es dir gut? You jou need un hug? I vish i could take avay anzing making jou sad. *worried Ludwig noises*
1p!Prussia/Gilbert: Alright, jou need to get into a routine, zhat is non-negotiable. *serious Gilbert noises*. Jou also need to take care of jour personal hygiene. Don't forget to take a shover or a bath. Jou need to eat protein, carbs, vegetables, dairy and fruit, on zhe daily, zhree time a day, ok? I don't vant jou to be unawsomely unhealthy. Oh, und also dont forget to take zhose meds, if jou have any. I vant jou to know zhat i love jou und zhink jou are awesome!
French: Those fucking assholes that bother you will pay, darling.
Luci: I'll stab them for you, beautiful / beautiful.
Flavi: Brother! Pay attention to your language !!! I'm sorry for him.
German:I'm sorry if I bothered you.
Japanese:Or let me kill them.
Irish: (Yes, here Alfred can speak and comprehend all languages): Little Love
AN: I hope this was ok, also sorry im late, i got caught up in surviving in a catholic school.
Hetalia Q&A
FanfictionThis was suggested by @SelflessHarm. So, here you go. Feel free to comment your questions to the Countries, and bear with me, ive only seen the anime.....///dont hit me please!!!!!!//