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Baltics/Baltic Trio: nicest thing Russia has done for you?

Canada, best stylish outfit to wear when casually devouring pancakes?

Estonia/Eduard: Mr.R-russia is always v-very kind!!

Toris/Lituania and Ravis/ Lativa: Nod frantically almost terrified.

Faint "Kolkolkol's" can  be heard in the distance.

Matthew/ 1p! Canada: O-oh, you're asking me, eh? W-well, i usually ware a pair of s-sweat pants in the morning. I-i usually make pancakes for breakfast.

James: Flannel shirts and dark jeans, usually eat pancakes after killing some bastards.

Maddison/1p!Nyo! Canada: I-i wear an over-sized sweatshirt and s-sweatpants.

Julianne: My flannel shirt and sweats with Kunaro in front of the fireplace after a kill. Damn poachers.

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