Chapter 15 | Regretful(PART 3)(x)

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This chapter contains explicit sexual encounters. Reader discretion is advised. 

Felix's POV

He stared down at my continuously leaking member with an incredulous reaction, while my body still trembled thanks to the tingling feeling of euphoria reaching each of my nerves. My ass squeezing him tightly because of the orgasm's contractions... 

but something was off. 

I came, right? Still, I wasn't satisfied at all. Other nights, right after cumming, I would grab myself a tissue, clean me up, and feel like I could sleep in peace. But that day? I wanted more. I needed more.

I grabbed his chin and pulled it up so he could look at me, and making the most desperate expression I could, I pleaded in a whisper.

- Don't stop... 

His gaze turned dark, and I could feel my member twitch a little. He easily pulled me up from his lap, and laid me down again, this time in all fours.

I was ready. More than ready. 

I was pleading, desperate too feel him inside of me again, in the position I liked the most. I liked it because I knew he could go deeper that way; I knew he could pound me in that position; I knew he could grab my waist in such manner, it would make me whimper in agonizing pleasure...

And he did. 

In a thrust, he was again inside of me, and still feeling the remains of the premature orgasm I had before, I squeezed him, making it harder for him to move... But not impossible.

They were steady, hard, and deep. The dip of his cock poking right in my sweet spot, and I was lost. Grabbing the wet sheets in between my fingers, moaning in a delirious frenzy, and feeling his fingernails digging in my waist's skin, I could taste the bitter sensation of a second orgasm coming closer again.

His hips smacking my ass with every pound, and thanks to the intensity of it, I could feel them getting hotter, as if they were being slapped. The intense sensation of everything combined made my eyes start to water.

- Ahh! Eric...! So... g-good...! - I cried desperately, and as I felt his grasp in my waist tightening the moment I spoke his name, with a dry groan...

He came inside of me. 

I felt the warm sensations of his liquid filling me up, and thanks to it, I came again right after with a silent moan. My brain sending shivers and goosebumps throughout my whole body as the orgasm filled it a second time. I hadn't noticed that my mouth was open that whole moment, letting strings of saliva wet the mattress of the bed in one spot.

The orgasm hit me like a wave of invasive ecstasy, and what can I say other than I loved everything that came with it.

I loved with all my being how his juice would fill me up entirely. We could do it for hours and hours, and it would still feel that good, as if it was the first time. I would still feel such a level of satisfaction inside of me, I understand why I got so addicted. Addicted to this, to him, to everything  he would give me, as long as he was the only one giving it.

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