Chapter 31: Glastonbury Festival

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"Felix, you busy, man?" I ask through speakerphone as I reverse my car out of the build's basement parking.

"Nah, just checking out a few things at the bar. Why?"

"Brilliant. I'm on my way."

"Problem in paradise still?"

"Not quite. Talk to you when I get there; I'm driving," with that, I hang up the call and focus my attention back on the road.

I'm still pissed the fuck off about Blake interfering with my relationship with Jo. I'm pissed about the fact that he's been there for Jo the past three years when I wasn't. I'm pissed about the fact that Jo trusts him so much that she doesn't even believe what I'm saying. I'm pissed about the fact that he was the one who introduced Jo to Ceecee. I'm pissed about the fact that he knew about the building in Paris and is most likely the one who gave Ceecee this ammunition to try and sabotage my relationship with Jo. I'm pissed about the fact that my Josephine even thought about kissing that conniving motherfucker. I'm fucking pissed at the fact that I didn't end him when I had the chance down at the pit.

I need to expose that sly piece of cunt for who he truly is.

Breathe, Hero.

I can't think straight with my head being clouded with rage. I turn irrational and just down right stupid when I'm angry, especially if it has anything to do with one Josephine Langford. I'm surprised I even pieced together Blake's and Ceecee's scam in the middle of my rage.

"He said he loves me."

The hell he did! Breathe, Hero. No! Fucking no! No one gets to do this to me and expects to walk away unscathed. Hero, breathe and think. The fucking audacity of that piece of shit to tell my girl the he loves her. No, just fucking no! You aren't thinking rationally. He's a cunning piece of shit I'm going to fucking murder him!

I am losing my mind. Obviously.

I open the door to my garage and park the car before locking up and making my way to the bar through the private entrance for the pit. It's a Tuesday night-Wednesday at one in the morning exactly-and the place looks slow tonight. I see Felix by the bar, talking to his bartender.

"So, how's everything, brother?" He asks as soon as I'm seated right beside him.

I motion for the bartender for the same drink as Felix's before answering his question. "Really bloody brilliant," I sarcastically remark, giving him an equally sarcastic side smirk. "If I hadn't found Jo almost kissing Lancaster this morning, she still wouldn't have talked to me," I grumble.

"Hold up, hold up! What the bloody hell did you just say?"

"You heard me, bro. Don't make me say it again," I glare at him. The bartender places a glass of liquor in front of me and I give him a slight nod as a thank you.

"Shit man. Didn't know Jo's the type to bounce on a rebound and that quick at that. I'd assume Blake's nursing a broken bone by now?"

"Unfortunately no, couldn't do anything with Jo around. But enough about that. I'll spare you the details." I take a sip of the alcohol, feeling the smooth burn down gliding down my throat.

He raises his brow at me. "So what did you come here for then?"

"I think Blake's the one who told Ceecee about the Paris building and I think they both planned it together-starting a fire so I would fly over to Paris at the fucking same time Ceecee brought Jo there. It's just too fucking good a coincidence, man. And don't even get me started with the fact that Blake was the one who introduced Jo to Ceecee. Apparently, we were supposed to have our "wedding" at Jo's new hotel."

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