Chapter 28: To Be So Lonely

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"What the fuck is he doing here?" Hero shouts and I whip my head to him as he charges forward like a mad bull.

Oh shit!

I stand in front of Blake and glare at Hero. "No! You don't get to be angry right now. You don't get to be jealous with Blake right fucking now, Hero," I sternly say.

He stops right in front of me, his angry eyes that were previously trained on Blake darting down to meet mine and the green orbs immediately glaze over. My heart breaks at the pain reflecting off them. I don't want to hurt him like this but the amount of pain I've been through in the past hours is just too much to bear. I thought I've grown numb during the trip home but just one look into Hero's eyes, those eyes that I love so much, and it's like a million tiny knives start puncturing my heart every millisecond. It fucking hurts, it really fucking hurts. I can't stand to be in the same space as him. I just can't.

"Of all people, Jo, why him? I've already told you, I've broken off the wedding and my relationship with Cecilia the moment we decided to try and fix our relationship. What more do you want me to do, love? Tell me and I'll fucking do it. Just don't leave with Blake. You'll kill me if you do."

"You should have thought about that when you lied to me, Hero. Do you really think I didn't die from everything I found out in Paris?" I spit angrily at him.

"If you leave through that door with that fucking prick, that is it, Josephine. I am done."

"Seriously?" I scoff. I couldn't help but feel scared by his threat though. Is this really where we end?

"Fucking try me," he grits.

"You know what? Fuck you, Hero!" I flip him off before storming out and slamming the door behind me.

My chest is rising and falling erratically and I'm so fucking furious. The fucking audacity of that asshole to threaten me when he's the one at fault here. He was fucking engaged with someone while he was telling me he's been a mess without me. What a fucking hypocite!

"Here, let me get that for you," Blake mumbles, taking my suitcase from my shaking hand as I take angry strides towards the elevator.

I'm so livid, I can't even find it in me to thank him and just continue to angrily pound on the button of the elevator. My anger isn't only directed at Hero, though. Part of it is for myself, for that stupid side of me who is hoping and praying that Hero will come bursting out of his door, run after me, beg me to stay, promise me that he won't ever lie to me again and profess his undying love for me. But when the elevator dings and its doors open without a sorry Hero running after me as Blake and I enter the small confinement, it finally dawns on me.

He is done. He is so done with me.

"Where do you want me to take you?" Blake softly asks. He doesn't even asks if I'm okay because it's pretty obvious that I'm not.

"Any hotel will do. I'll just need to have somewhere to stay the night before I can find a decent Airbnd or something," I sigh in exhaustion as I lean my body against one corner of this small moving box.

"The Ritz okay with you?"

"Yeah, sure."

Silence falls between Blake and I and I mentally thank him for being so sensitive. He knows I'm going through something though I haven't exactly told him what's happened in Paris; he doesn't attempt to pry me for any details. Knowing Blake, he'll wait until I could finally open up to him about my problems. Though with everything Hero's said up there at the penthouse, I could already assume Blake has some sort of idea about the situation. He helps me in his passenger's seat before closing the door and placing my suitcase inside his trunk. He jogs to the driver's side of the car and lithely slides into his seat, buckling his seatbelt and starting the engine.

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