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Hello and welcome back!

If you haven't read my story "What We Lost" then I suggest checking that out first because this won't make much sense without knowing the events of that story. I mean it might, but idk.

To those of you who read What We Lost and are back for this, thank you for coming back! I hope you like it! And to anyone new, thank you for reading this and I hope you check out What We Lost, if not I hope this still makes at least some sense lol.

This story is more like a series of  connected one-shots (that are sometimes two-parters) following the events of What We Lost that start right where I left off and check in with the characters every 2-3 months with a larger jump on the last one-shot type chapter. (a total of 7 parts; two of them being two-parters, so a total of 9 posts)

These one-shots are also a bit longer than my chapters were in my other story. I had to fit more in each part so it just kind of ended up that way.

I'll be posting  every Thursday following this initial Friday post. I like the way that posting on Thursday breaks up my week, and routines makes me feel more in control of my otherwise crazy life lol.

Feel free to leave comments, suggestions, criticisms or just random thoughts. I love the feedback and I hope you won't feel too shy to leave some. (for some reason I'm pretty shy with comments on stories I read, I have no clue why, considering how much I know they help.)

Also, since I started writing this story (what we lost) in october of 2019, the corona virus and all that is 2020 is not in it and I'm continuing it as if 2020 proceeded as regularly scheduled, lol. (i.e. Stranger Things 4 began filming in like March and no-one knows talks about the pandemic) it would be way too complicated to change things, I'd have to essentially re-write the whole thing.

Anyway, I hope that you enjoy this second installment of my version of Fillie and I look forward to posting every week and seeing what you think!

⚠️ Warnings ⚠️: some sexual content and explicit language.

Without further ado. . .this is What We Found (please forgive my cheesiness LMAO)


EDIT 9/21/21: Beginning to edit this like WWL, mostly for POV which I feel like was pretty bad in this. Don't know how long it will take, but once it's done, I'll change the cover like I did in the other one. Thanks for your patience while I polish this a little bit!☺️

7/13/22: FINALLY done editing😮‍💨. Life got busy, but I shall never touch these again🤞🏼 new cover for the freshly edited story....peace out✌🏼

What We Found | FillieWhere stories live. Discover now