What You Missed

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The moment Millie saw the look on Gaten's face was the moment she knew there was no getting the toothpaste back in the tube on this. He knows what everyone else in the room already knew and his confusion is absolutely exploding from his face in random huffs of breath and contorted expressions.

And what an idiotic way that was for him to find out—Noah blabbing it like he was only reminding Finn that he'd better remember to grab some milk the next time he went to the store.

Don't get Millie pregnant again, okay Finn?

What a bonehead.

It's not that Millie wasn't planning on telling Gaten about what happened at some point, but she wasn't going to tell him today, and she definitely wasn't going to tell him like that. The poor guy doesn't even know anything beyond the basic facts. That she dated Finn for about five months. That she got in a car accident that was portrayed by the media as a fender bender that only left her with mild bruising and a small hospital bill. And that she subsequently broke up with Finn without any fan or tabloid even knowing they dated. There was speculation, but there's always been speculation. But that's really all Gaten's known these past couple years. And being the respectful guy he is, he's never asked for explanations.

The full reality of their relationship, and the crash, the secret pregnancy they have kept hidden from the majority of the world, including most close friends, has remained just that—a secret— for over two years. What really happened in the hospital that night, and everything before too, is still only known by a very select few. And Gaten hadn't been one of them. . .until now.

Thanks Noah.

As Gaten gains his voice back, he starts to babble confusedly about "absurd plot-twists" and audibly wonders if he's in a dream or is drugged and Millie can't help but try and see this from his point of view.

Here Gaten is, finally meeting up with his friends after a long two years to film the last season of their show, and within the first five minutes of being with them again, he learns about the biggest bombshell of information he's probably heard in his twenty years of existence.

If she were him, she thinks she'd probably assume she heard something wrong too, because thinking back to before she got pregnant, if someone had told her what was about to happen, she'd have most likely laughed in their face because there was no way she would let herself fall into that situation. But of course she did and now Gaten looks more concerned than surprised and so after getting him to calm down a bit, she gets to telling him what happened.

She explains how she found out she was pregnant a couple weeks before they wrapped season four and didn't tell anybody at first except Paige and Sadie. After she told Finn, Caleb figured it out and Noah walked in on her sobbing into Finn's arms and wouldn't leave without the truth. Gaten was never in the position to find out but Finn assures him that they were planning on telling him. And then Millie continues to explain why that didn't happen.

The crash. The miscarriage. Finn's drunken mistake.

She tells him that all of this was why she and her family moved to California, not because it was closer to most of her jobs. She glazes over the following year and a half and can sense Finn's appreciation because it was him that the media found so intriguing during those days. And she assumes Gaten knows all about that unless he's been living under a rock.

"-and that's the long and short of it I guess." Millie says, capping the story with how they got back together while filming Scythe. She spares Finn a look, as if asking if she forgot anything and he offers an approving nod in return. Gaten, who is literally sitting on the edge of his seat on the couch with his jaw hanging low as it has been for the entire thirty minute saga, just stares. 

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