Let's Tell Them: Part One

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The blazing Georgian summer sun assaults Millie like it hates her every time she's walked outside lately and this unnaturally humid August day is no different, but she is in too big of a hurry to complain about the inferno and the unending chorus of chirping bugs because she and Finn are rushing to their newly purchased Land Rover int he hope that they won't be too late for their call time.

They bought the car last weekend when Millie's family moved back to Georgia, taking over their own cars that they had been using and leaving the young couple without a way to get to and from set without asking for one of the driving-age family members to play chauffeur.

Millie's parents are staying in the guest house for the time being, but will move back into the main house when the "kids" all move out at the end of this week after they wrap Stranger Things. At that point Millie and Finn will move into the guest house for the foreseeable future. Which is by no means a downgrade.

They had briefly considered moving to LA and even Vancouver but Millie realized she wants her mom close when the baby comes and how perfect is it that she can be right next door?

This was all decided back in May, after StrangerCon when she and Finn flew to LA for a very long and tortuous conversation with her parents that started with her father, Robert, expressing how proud he was of the two of them for their maturity and responsibility with the house and their lives but then took a sharp left turn. Her father's proud puffed chest practically deflated to be concave when she timidly proceeded to tell him that despite Finn's promise to " not get her pregnant again", she was indeed impregnated by the "pea-brained" boy. . .again.

Robert had exasperatedly rampaged up out of his seat. His arms flailing as he wondered loudly how the two of them could be so careless "and twice, no less!" He went on and on about how he and Kelly had trusted them to make good decisions for their future and to hold themselves accountable to something other than their "goddamned hormones!"

Millie had thought he was going to internally combust.

But her dad really lost it when he realized that it was his and Kelly's bed that she and Finn were sleeping on, and by extension, he must have reasoned, being intimate on, "You two really thought that it was a good idea to conceive a child on my bed?! The level of disrespect displayed in my own home! How bloody dense—"

Finn, as usual, stuck his foot right in his mouth without much thought when he interrupted to say, "Well I'm not so sure that's where it happened."

Robert was thundering toward Finn with the well-known vein in his forehead bulging to it's personal best size when her mother finally saw it was time to bring a more level head to the discussion. Yes, she made it clear that she was disappointed in her and the boy she'd essentially watched grow up over the past decade but she also seemed to know that getting worked up wouldn't help anyone or change anything. Like the last time Millie tearfully relayed this same information, all she could do was be there for her. Be there, and keep her husband from mangling Finn's petrified face.

What is different this time though is that Millie isn't that tearful sixteen-year-old anymore, whose eyes bore a fear so penetrating that it made Kelly's anger fold instantly. Millie's an adult now. Albeit a young adult who is still a teenager, but an adult nonetheless. That's why Kelly suggested they move into the guest house after they finish filming their show.

She reasoned that it would allow them their own space to fumble their way into parenthood while having helping hands within earshot, ready to help if they absolutely needed it. Robert grumbled his approval of the idea, still red in the face, but then afternoon ended rather amicably despite its tumultuous beginnings.

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