The Premier

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For Finn, sitting in a coffee shop with a baseball cap on to conceal his recognizable curly locks and his shades perched on the bridge of his nose, watching the customers come and go, has always been therapeutic and oddly satisfying. He enjoys the nonchalance of relaxing in such a normal way. Of just being himself when there's often so much pressure to be what others want him to be. On this particular November day, however, he feels a little less at ease with the casualness of his time in his favorite LA coffee shop.

He pulls the schedule Millie made for him out of his pocket to make sure he is where he's supposed to be and at the right time. A glance at the eleven o'clock block on the paper confirms he's where he is supposed to be. A glance to the inanely large ticking clock on the wall that shows the time to be 11:05 a.m. confirms that his friends, Noah, Caleb and Gaten, are late. Finn grumbles quietly to himself and sips his black coffee.

Today is a busy day for Finn, and his friends' lackadaisical attitude toward their scheduled bro-time is actually annoying him.

He doesn't typically get annoyed by these things. This type of annoyance is somewhat of a new feeling for him. It's probably just a combination of the anticipation of having the Scythe premier tonight compounded by the stress surrounding the fact that his girlfriend is now less than two months away from giving birth to their daughter and is in serious nesting mode—a term new to him that he had no clue could cause so much heart-burn.

Finn exhales a relieved sigh then stands and grabs his jean jacket when his three friends come laughing into the shop, drawing so much attention that he knows they're going to have to find a new spot to hang out.

"Finn! Hey man—"

"You're late." Finn says before Caleb can finish.

"Well damn dude, nice to see you too, so glad to hear you've missed us." Gaten laughs then joins the short line to order his coffee.

"Sorry." Finn shakes his head and follows them to the line, "Just kind of frazzled. Of course I've missed you guys and hey—thanks for coming, Millie can't wait to see you guys at the premier."

Noah lays his hand on Finn's shoulder to get his attention, "So how has it been living alone with our lovely not-so-little-anymore friend?"

Finn snorts and swipes off his sunglasses, hanging them on his collar for convenience, "Dude, do not say anything like that in front of her, she is so freaking sensitive right now. If I even look at her with anything other than sycophantic admiration, she acts like I just called her a big stupid whale."

"Oh I know." Noah's eyes open wide with a memory playing behind them, "She gave me the silent treatment for two weeks last month when I said that my sweater might be a tight fit for her."

Finn nods, "Yeah I had to go out and buy duplicates of my hoodies in a size up and wear them in a bit, then change the tags just to avoid that. . .but yeah life with Millie is great! We're just peachy!" he purposefully strains a laugh, the others laughing along as they continue their quest for caffeinated beverages.

The truth is, things actually are great with Millie and their friends all know that. After the interview posted, Millie was paralyzed by fear over what people would do and say but as the comments flooded in, so many fans conveyed their condolences and offered their support and enthusiasm for Millie and Finn. The trolls were there too of course, hurling their comments of vitriol that were so absurd that Millie surprised everyone by actually laughing most of them off.

Hollywood gossip juggernauts like E! And Entertainment Weekly immediately tried to capitalize on the story, calling the young couple irresponsible and saying they failed to think about their influence on young minds but others came to their aid and called out those who didn't.

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