Let's Tell Them: Part Two

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While Millie is scrolling through her phone on the love seat in her sun-drenched living room, patiently waiting for Finn and Noah to finish setting up Noah's vlogging camera for the interview, a news notification tops her screen. She's somewhat surprised to see her name in the headline, and really, surprised that she got the notification at all. She hasn't had her news notifications on since, well, ever. Nevertheless, her intrigue is piqued by the title of the story "Millie and Finn on rocky waters or did they ever get on the boat?" accompanied with a picture of the two of them with a fake rip down the middle, artificially separating them.

Noah and Finn are still debating the perfect camera angle, which she very well knows could be an hour long discussion between these two fledgling filmmakers, so she gives in to her unhealthy urge and taps on the story.

Noah and Finn are still debating the perfect camera angle, which she very well knows could be an hour long discussion between these two fledgling filmmakers, so she gives in to her unhealthy urge and taps on the story

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Millie laughs to herself and thinks, well they're in for quite the surprise.

So much conjecture about their relationship is based on such scant evidence. Her schedule obviously wasn't expedited due to a rift between her and Finn, but because she couldn't film certain scenes and look pregnant at the same time. And she hasn't been seen in public for the same reason, not because of a break-up.

Although, she can see why these sites would think that were the case. It is pretty similar to how she acted when they did break up last time. Still, she finds this article and the others like it to be pretty humorous when she looks down and sees the protrusion from her stomach.

She lowers her phone to see the boys still debating the angle and her mind starts to wander to the last few days. After the meeting with her and Finn's teams, she went to Noah and asked if he would do the interview with her. He was so excited for the opportunity that he barely shed a tear when they wrapped Stranger Things.

But for Millie, the day wasn't so easy. In fact, the last day of filming was brutal. Not because of the schedule or the scenes, but it truly marked the end of an era. She didn't have anything to shoot, and she was happy she didn't because she was a whole mess all day. From the moment she walked Finn to get his make-up done to the unveiling of the wrap-cake, she was a blubbering, crying, shell of a girl.

Maybe her hormones had something to do with it, but regardless, she's been utterly exhausted for the last forty-eight hours and now she is about to film an interview that will let the world in on something that is about a million times worse than the end of Stranger Things. Millie thinks she's going to need a year-long spa getaway after this in order to be a functional human again.

"Okay," Noah says, checking the view-finder on the camera, ensuring it only sees what he wants it to.

Meanwhile Millie's leg is bouncing so much that the glass of water on the side table is rippling like there is a giant approaching the house.

"Okay, I think we're good." he says as he tightens one last lever on the tripod then looks down to her, "Except your leg needs to take a chill pill."

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