Chapter 5

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Jordon picked me up at six thirty on the dot, like we'd arranged. Of course, I'd been ready since six, just in case he was early. 

When I answered the front door, I was lost for words. He looked gorgeous, with his hair gelled down neatly. It was the first time I'd seen his hair like that. He was making an effort. My heart skipped a beat.

He pulled out a bunch of flowers from behind his back. 

"Hey, Laura. You look beautiful." He gazed into my eyes, and i couldn't find the words to answer him. I just looked at him.

"Come on, lets go. The movie starts at seven, and there may be traffic."  He beamed at me, linked his arm inside mine, and led me to the car.

We chatted all the way to the cinema. I thought it may have been awkward between us, you know, going on a date, but we just carried on our conversation where we'd left off on Friday afternoon at school.

When we got to the cinema, my evening got a hell of a lot worse.

Stood in the queue was none other than Janet Evans and her bitch squad. 

I held my head high as I joined the queue with Jordon by my side. I'm not sure if he could tell the change in my mood, but if he did he didn't show it. I was preparing myself for the jibes when Janet turned around, flicking her hair over her shoulder.

Janet was the definition of pretty in my eyes. She had jet black hair that reached just below her breasts, which she usually straightened to perfection. she had pouty lips, a little, cute nose, and the most perfect figure. I don't even know why she didn't just accept the offer from the squad in freshman year, and ditch me. I would have. I mean, I'm a freak.

Her gaze dropped to her feet when she saw me. She looked kind of guilty. And then the rest of the cheerleaders with her turned around.

"Oh look, the freak has gotten a date. Check him out girls! That is one sexy peice of eye candy!" The blondest one, I didn't know her name, spoke with such venom it made me flinch.

"Back off, bitch. Like I want that skank eye all over me anyway!" Jordon pushed his way past the girls, glaring at them as he did so. He motioned for me to follow, and I walked between the now gaping group of cheerleaders. 

"Are you ok?" Jordon looked concerned about me, which I appreciated.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm used to it."

"What's up with them anyway? Why are they so horrible to you?" It was nice to know someone cared about me.

"Well, Janet, the girl with the black hair, she used to be my best friend. Until Monday actually. She ditched me for the cheerleading squad."

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to deepen the wound." He didn't mean anything by the comment, because he didn't know my past. He was just being nice. But it hurt. Real bad.

Jordon bought the tickets, and we made our way to screen four in silence. I don't know why, but everything had just become awkward. Weird.


The movie was a horror. Just my luck. I spent most of the time covering my eyes with Jordon's arm.

The car journey home was quite awkward, but there was a little conversation. He asked me where I'd lived when I'd been back in England, and it turned out he'd lived not too far away. Weird.

When we arrived outside my house, I became anxious. This was a date. Jordon was expecting to kiss me. Shit.

"Thank you, for tonight. I had a great time." I was right. He was looking at me with those endless eyes, expecting it from me. He leaned in towards me, and me, being the wimp I am, turned my head so he caught my cheek.

What an idiot.

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