Chapter 1 Rose Petals

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Alex: POV

Alex inner thoughts I had just arrived to Vale I had just got off the Bullhead listening to my music at that point my Scroll had started ringing I look to see whose calling no surprise mom

Alex: Hi Mom how's it going. I say as I start walking down the sidewalk

Mom: Hi Sweetheart I heard from your father you were taking a trip to Vale I just wanted to call you and make sure you were okay.

Alex: Thanks Ma I'm doing great just got here by the by you have got to relax I can take care of myself Dad's taught me everything I know how am I gonna become a Huntsman with you calling like this it's not like I haven't been to Vale before.

Mom: Can you blame me I wouldn't be a good Mother if I didn't worry about you, Really a Huntsman why after everything I had to go through with your Father now you want to fall down the Rabbit hole. What about music you could be a musician you and I both know it's one of your biggest passions.

Alex: Come on you know me I've wanted to be a Huntsman since I was a kid besides music is just a hobby for me if dad can hack it so can I. 

Alex: POV 

I continue to make my way down I'm about reach Dust shop called From Dust Till Dawn.

I continue to make my way down I'm about reach Dust shop called From Dust Till Dawn

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Alex inner thoughts: That's an interesting name.

Mom: That may be but still I won't argue with that again, My Oum you can be stubborn sometimes just like your father.

Alex: Please if anything I get my stubbornness from you, any way I have to go I'll call you back when I get the chance.

Mom: Alright you go ahead and try to stay out of trouble, I love you be safe.

Alex: Love you too, I hang up and go into the store and wave at the shopkeep and head towards the back I see a girl in a red hooded cloak I notice she has headphones on so go about my business. or I would have if it wasn't interrupted.

Alex POV: At that point I see a group of guys barge in with weapons and some fancy pants jackoff.

Shopkeep: puts hands up, Please just take the Lien.

Ginger: I don't want your cash  my associates and I are gonna help ourselves to the dust.

Alex: I notice one of them heading towards the back I see him look at the girl wearing a hood, but he hadn't seen me.

Thug: alright kid put your hands up.

No response 

Thug: Hey!

Alex: I try not to draw attention to  myself the thug approaches the girl and motion to her headphones. And then she takes them off.

Ruby: Yes.

Thug : Aright kid put your hands up and hand over your lien.

Ruby: Are you robbing me.

Thug: Yes!

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