Chapter 6: The Badges of Burden

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Alex POV:

I set an alarm on my Scroll for me when to get up I  wake up to check and hit off on my alarm and get up I grab my uniform and towel, then go to take a shower afterwards I get changed into a second pair of boxers and my uniform and head back to the dorm before I go I knock to see if the girls are getting changed.

Alex: Girls you changed yet?

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Alex: Girls you changed yet?

no response, so I head back in and go to wake them up.

Alex: Alright ladies up an at em!

ALL: Alright we're up.

I then step out so the girls have the time to change.

ALL: We're ready now!

I then head back in I see Yang checking me out.

Yang: Not bad, You look good.

Alex: Yeah, maybe you girls look good me I look ridiculous guys like me don't really do the whole "uniform" thing.

Ruby walking up to me with a small box in her hand.

Ruby: I found this I guess you missed one of your boxes. Looks like a present!

Alex begins to examine it, and takes it from her

Alex: Yeah your right this is new.

Weiss: Well open it.

Alex: Okay.

I unwrap it and open the box to find a locket case and a note.

Alex: It's from my mom! I then begin to read the note.

Alex: "Dear Alex after you left for Beacon your father and I wanted to give you something to remember us, it's something I never got the chance to give you when you left. I just wanted you to have  something to remember that you are and always have been in my heart. Love now and always Ma".

I open the second box to find the locket and open it to see what it is, It's a picture of us during one of our vacations.

Alex: Oh, I love this picture!

All: Let's see it!

Alex shows them the locket and picture.

Ruby and Blake: (looking at the picture) That's your mom, she's pretty.

Alex: Yep! Good woman and a good mother or as Dad would put it "better than he deserves".

Yang: So this handsome devil is your dad?

Alex: Watch it! And yes.

Yang: So why did he retire? I mean I know he's a legend and all but no one has said why?

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