Chapter 3: The Shining Beacon Part 2

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Alex POV: 

The three of us have finally made our way to Beacon Academy's I can't help but be intimidated by all these new people who I have to compete with, And the prospect of when teams are formed who am I gonna be with partially because my old man was a solo Huntsman and would only occasionally join or accept the help of other teams.

Alex: looking around I don't believe it.

Ruby is looking in the direction of someone calling her it's Yang 

Yang(waving) Ruby! I saved you spot over here!

Ruby: Oh I gotta go you guys I'll see you guys later!

Jaune: Hey wait! Ah were am I gonna find another nice, quirky energetic girl. and continues walking forward.

Alex: after Jaune started walking I see behind him an old friend of mine and she hasn't recognized me yet. I think she's checking him out. Hey don't worry man I can guarantee you'll find another quirky energetic girl you go on ahead I'll catch up with you later.

Jaune: Alright I'll save you spot too.

Alex: Thanks man.


I keep staring at the blonde boy in front of me I think his friend might have seen me watching them.

SNAP and the other boy just disappears I'm a bit shocked at this until

Unknown Voice: whispering into her ear,  Miss Nikos it's been awhile right?

Pyrrha: AH, Alex Cross?

I go to hug him  and he hugs me back he's one of best friends not mention one of my biggest opponents and challengers.

Alex: Sanctum's own Pyrrha Nikos and Four time Mistral champion would've been five time but that didn't happen why?

Pyrrha: lightly tapping his shoulder, That's because the Four time runner-up finally beat me. Mistral's own Alex Cross son of the living legend himself still hugging him I missed you how've you been and what brought you here?

Alex: A Bullhead, well Professor Ozpin enrolled along with another student after seeing my exploits. Also Pyrrha I can't help but notice are you checking out my friend over their pointing towards Jaune?

Pyrrha: No!

Alex: Oh yes you are.

Pyrrha: No I'm not!

Alex: You can't lie to me I know you

Pyrrha: Okay maybe I was.

Alex: Well go talk to him I have it on good authority he's single.

Pyrrha; No. I can't

Alex: Wow Pyrrha Nikos Immortal Champion, Can't go up an talk to a boy except for me

Pyrrha: Your different your my best friend that's why. So how are your parents doing?

Alex: Their good my mom misses you, Your one of the friends I have that she really likes.

Pyrrha: Yeah.

Alex: Wel-.

Jaune: Alex over here man.

Alex: I gotta go you take care of yourself. And I'll put in a good word for you, you're gonna have to talk to him sometime.

Pyrrha: Alex No!

Alex: Too late!

Jaune: Where've you been man?

Alex: I was talking with an old friend of mine.

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