Chapter 4: The First Step

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Alex POV:

Day two at Beacon it's time for initiation I got changed into my gear I decided to go with my trench coat and leave my leather jacket in my locker I have Ironclaw on my back for me I decided to put both my guitars in their cases and in my locker I have my MP3 and headphones plugged in and just wearing them on and around my neck.

Day two at Beacon it's time for initiation I got changed into my gear I decided to go with my trench coat and leave my leather jacket in my locker I have Ironclaw on my back for me I decided to put both my guitars in their cases and in my locker I...

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When all of a sudden while making sure I have everything ready my attention is divided to a boy Chinese clothes and this ginger girl in a pink skirt, and from the looks of things she's just as hyper as Ruby if not more

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When all of a sudden while making sure I have everything ready my attention is divided to a boy Chinese clothes and this ginger girl in a pink skirt, and from the looks of things she's just as hyper as Ruby if not more. Speak of the devil I see both Ruby and Yang at their lockers getting set up I go over to greet them.

Alex: Morning ladies.

Ruby: Morning!

Yang: Morning handsome.

Alex: Thank you beautiful.

The boy from earlier starts to head off with the other girl in toe skipping after him.

Ruby: Wonder what's got them all worked up?

Yang: Who knows? speaking of you're a lot more chipper today.

Ruby: Yep! No more awkward small talk or "getting-to-know-you" stuff. Today I get to let my sweetheart do the talking. While stroking Crescent Rose.

Alex: But Ruby your not the only one going through initiation.

Yang: Yeah, I mean if you wanna grow up, you're gonna have to meet new people and learn to work together.

Ruby sighs frustratingly.

Ruby: You sound like Dad!

Ruby then tosses her weapon back into the locker.

Ruby: Okay, first of all: What does meeting new people have to do with fighting? And secondly: I don't need people to help me grow up! I drink milk!

Yang/Alex But what about when we form teams?

Ruby gets a little nervous.

Ruby: I don't know I I'll just be on your team or Alex's or something.

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