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Evelyn POV

Sahara Desert

There's something cliché I must tell you.

Read 10:14am

Oooh, this sounds juicy!
Seen 10:14am

You know that little place I work at?
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Seen 10:15am

Mister Three Names
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Seen 10:15am

Read 10:15am

No pic, cause privacy, obvs
Read 10:16am

But I swear, it's true
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Seen 10:17am

Okay, then well-
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I know you have class soon, so I'll leave you with that happy thought
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Seen 10:18am


The image of her excited face and pink-tinted brown eyes start to make my stomach do flips and every inch of my face burn.

I have decided to go see the doctor about this.

Once Mr. Cool Guy left, two other customers came in and it was hard to focus on what I'm supposed to do, say, or how to ring them up on the cash register. Was it the thought of him and Sarah make me sick? Or was it this bug I seem to have developed for the past year? Maybe it was some new type of latent virus that suddenly pops out at times. What if I'm one of the beginning few in the upcoming zombie apocalypse virus? What if this is a new form of cancer? Will I develop tumors soon as well? Oh, why didn't I come sooner, it may be too late for me already-!

Okay, okay, breathe Evelyn, breathe... You're hyperventilating, and nothing good comes from hyperventilating.

"Evelyn? An Evelyn...Smith?" I stand up immediately

"Yes, that's me." No, it's not. My last name is different. Such is the life I live.

"The doctor will see you now."

Great, maybe they will help me get to the bottom of whatever this slight fever, nauseous feeling is.

I go in the small room where they check your height and blood pressure, all being as usual, and am immediately greeted with a nurse.

"Okay, Miss Smith, what is the reason for your visit."

"Well, for the last year, I have been feeling nauseous, like sometimes my stomach will feel as if it's doing flips or other times being stabbed by needles."


"And other times, my whole body will feel as if it flares up, or other times, just my face."

He seems concerned and gives me a bit of an odd look.

"And does this happen constantly, or do you think it's triggered by something?"

I think back to the times it happens, looking here and there around the room. It's nice and white. Very...doctor's office and...clean.

"I think it's triggered? I'm not exactly sure; the majority of the time, I'm fine, but sometimes it does just seems to...happen."

"...okay ma'am, I don't think you need to see the doctor, as it's clear what you are feeling."

I leaned in eagerly to hear his response. "Are you sure? You don't need another opinion about it?!"

The nurse is chuckling a bit. Was it that obvious? And here I am going to school for basically the same job.

"Yes, " the nurse says with a bit of a laugh.

"...well? Is it majorly bad?"

He seems to compose himself a little before answering with a slight hint of seriousness for my sake.

"You either have appendicitis-"

Oh no, I'm done for, it has probably close to exploding, or will any minute, and I could die and not even see how the J.J and Sarah situation play out.

The nurse puts a hand on mine in reassurance. It shook me out of my panic hazy, and I give him a hesitant smile as a thank you.

"Apologises for frightening you, but I was also saying, it's more likely that you have a crush on someone. And when you're near them, it could cause your stomach to experience those flips you were talking about."

"And-and the fever?"

"Ma'am, it's just you blushing and your body having the rush of excitement from making them happy or just being near them. Have..?" The nurse looks at me questionably. "Have you ever had a crush?"

I feel my face going red again. I feel so embarrassed. Stupid, stupid! Ugh, why must I be so stupid! I could have at least Googled it or something before coming straight here and waiting half an hour just to make a fool of myself in front of the nurse.

I stand up quickly and start heading for the exit.

"T-thank you, I must leave now, good day."

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