Chapter 18: End of the World Pt. 3 (Moonfall)

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It was just me him. We were looking at each other dead in the eyes. I wanted to crush him so badly. 

"It's just me you shit head," I yelled.

"Not for long," the leader replied.

The leader then took off his mask. He was a man who had tattoos all over his face.

"It would such a shame if your family knew you were dead," he said.

'Stop talking, and let's do this."

Both of us got in our stances, waiting for one to engage. I was laser-focused on him, I'm not going to slip like last time. My foot was buried in the ground ready for what he has. A few seconds later, he came charging at me and I fire bent him knocking him in back. He got back and rubbed the dirt all over his clothes.

"Oh so, that's what it's going to be," he said.

We both ran at each other and started to fight. Both of us were exchanging blows. One minute I had the upper hand, and then the next, he had the upper hand. It was a close fight. He was really a really good fighter. I blasted with my fireball and he blocked it by making a water wall. Steam was coming out everywhere that I couldn't see him. Just then I heard noises coming left. And then I heard another noise from the right. Suddenly, I was hearing noises everywhere. I started to blast by blue fire in all directions. Once the steam cleared out, I realized that I have made a huge mess in the terrain and didn't get him once. Just then, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I look behind me and there he was.

"Missed me," and then he sucker-punched me. 

I got knocked back and fell to the ground. He then went up close to me and started to blood bend me. I was screaming in agony. 

"AHHHHHH!!! Stop it please," I said.

"Awwwww is Azula giving up already," he replied.

My bones were starting to crack. I could feel my body trying to have a mind of its own.

"I want you to endure the most painful death in history," he said.

He then blood bent me to the point where I arm broke. He stopped bending and I was holding my arm in pain.

"Ahhhhhh, fuck that hurts," I said.

"Give up Azula, I already won," he said.

We walked up to me and I grabbed his leg with my good arm and pulled him down making him trip. 

"You don't know me, but I never quit," I said to him.

He then started to attack me and I fell back and made my way up the mountains. While I was climbing he tried to pull me off using his water bending. I was able to fend him off and made it to the top of the mountain. I look down to see if he was following me. 

"What the hell, where is he."

Just then, I heard a noise from behind me. It was him. 

"What the hell, how did you get up here," I asked.

"I have my ways," he replied.

We stood up and we battled again. With my broken arm, he got me on a lot of occasions. After him gaining the upper hand, blood bent me again. This time, he made it more painful. 

"I don't want to have to like I did with your friend," he said.

More bones were cracking in my body and I couldn't do anything. The weather was getting colder. My fire bending was turning orange again. Looks like I have met my match.


Troy and I untied Rasu. After that Rasu fell down onto the ground. 

"What's is wrong," I asked.

"I have been poisoned, please you have to help me," Rasu said.

I got out my spirit water and Rasu drank it/

"Here, this might help you."

After a while, Rasu started to glow up and got back up. 

"Look Katara," Troy said pointing outside.

The sun as rising and the weather became hotter. The sun was burning brighter than ever.

"Thank you for helping, I must go back and restore balance to the world," and then Rasu left. 


Out of nowhere, the sun comes up out of nowhere.

"No, no, it can't be," he said.

I then suddenly got a power boost from the sun. I have never felt this power since Sozin's Comet. I broke out of the leaders bending and grabbed from the collar. He tried to blood bend back, but it wasn't working. The sun was too powerful for him. 

"You have hurt this world, it is time for you to pay the price," I said to him.

"No please, you don't have to do this," he pleaded.

"Sorry, but it's my destiny."

I gathered all my energy and fire bent his face. After that, he let him go and he held his face so hard.


I then delivered the final blow and pushed him off the mountain. I watched him drop to the ground and lying there dead. 

"Oh, I don't feel so good," I wobbling around.

My body was so broken down, that I fainted. 

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