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CASSIOPEIA STRETCHED AND YAWNED AS she exited the train. The six friends all piled into a carriage and made their way to Hogwarts.

"I can't believe this is our last year at Hogwarts." Cassiopeia whispered.

The six Gryffindors had become each other's family at Hogwarts, but honestly, to Cassiopeia, this was her real family. Of course, she had her brothers, Regulus and Sirius, but the two brothers couldn't get along to save their lives. Frank had always been there for her whenever she got put in the middle of her brother's spats, both of them peg her as the bad guy if she didn't choose sides.

Dorcas and Alice were Cassiopeia's roommates. During their second year, Cassiopeia came to her senses about Blood Supremacy. After spending the summer with her parents constantly abusing her, she didn't care about what they thought anymore.

After getting into a small spat with Frank (over what, she couldn't remember,) Cassiopeia had flung herself on her bed, refusing to let any tears slip out. Dorcas and Alice had comforted her, giving her treats and telling her jokes. At the time, Alice disliked Frank, so she had some colorful words to say about him.

During their third year, Cassiopeia had met the Prewett twins while trying of for the Quidditch team. The three connected quickly through their mischievous side. And thus began their tightly knit friendship.

"Aw," Fabian said, throwing his arm around her. "Is Cass getting sentimental?"

Cassiopeia rolled her eyes. "No, but if you don't remove your arm, you're going to get punched." The boy slowly moved away from her.

"Cass doesn't get sentimental," Dorcas said. "She gets violent." Cassiopeia snorted.

"Ah, yes," Alice said, looking up from her book. "We all know how you deal with your emotions. Does anyone remember her first date with that Hufflepuff boy in fifth year? He leaned in to kiss you and you punched him. That was a disaster."

Cassiopeia kicked Alice's leg playfully. "He deserved it! He can't honestly think I'd kiss him after what he said about Quidditch. And if memory serves correctly, you weren't much better on your first date with Frank."

Heat rose to Alice's cheeks as she glared at her friend. The dark haired girl mumbled profanities at her friend. "Aw, Alice, were you nervous?" Frank asked, wrapping his arms around his girlfriend.

"I will hex you." She threatened.

Frank frowned and looked over to Dorcas. "Are you this violent too?"

"Yes." She answered blandly. Fabian and Gideon grinned at Frank, who looked very put off with the angry women in the carriage.

Cassiopeia shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her healed scars now starting to itch. She'd have to get Regulus to change her bandages once she arrived at Hogwarts.

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