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CASSIOPEIA AND GIDEON DIDN'T SPEAK of what happened the night before, Cassiopeia being too ashamed to even look him in the eyes, even during potions class

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CASSIOPEIA AND GIDEON DIDN'T SPEAK of what happened the night before, Cassiopeia being too ashamed to even look him in the eyes, even during potions class.

Frank and Fabian watched as Cassiopeia hurried out if the common room with bloodshot eyes. "Alright," Frank said, looking over at Gideon. "What the hell happened last night? You and Cass returned to the dorms late, and Alice told me that Cass had been crying. What did you do to my sister?"

"Pretty sure she's my sister, Longbottom." Sirius said, sitting down in an armchair. "Now, what's this about Prewett hurting Cassie?"

Gideon threw his hands in the air. "I didn't hurt Cass, Black, you did!" He snapped, surprising the others in the common room. Alice and Dorcas halted as they were about to exit to the Great Hall for dinner.

"And what the hell is that supposed to mean, Prewett?" Sirius growled.

"It means, Black, that when you left her alone in that awful place, a world of pain was brought down on her by those sorry excuses for parents!" Gideon snarled.

"Gideon that is enough!" Fabian chastised, setting a firm hand on his twins shoulder, but Gideon only shrugged him off.

"What are you talking about?" Sirius thundered, standing up, looming over the older boy.

"Let's just say she isn't scarred because she's clumsy." Gideon hissed, standing himself.

Sirius paled, his grey eyes growing wide. Fabian and Frank looked at the two boys nervously. "No. . ." He whispered. "I-I never wanted that. I thought I was protecting her! I didn't want her to be disowned."

Gideon covered his mouth as he realized he had let Cassiopeia's secret slip. He had promised her he wouldn't say anything. Sirius stormed out of the common room, no doubt in search of his sister.

"Shit." Gideon mumbled. "What have I done?"

"Yeah, I'd like to know the same thing." Frank said, crossing his arms. Fabian gave his brother a look of disbelief before hurrying after Cassiopeia and Sirius, as did Alice and Dorcas.


Alice and Dorcas found Cassiopeia in the Astronomy Tower, quietly reading a book that she had gotten from Regulus for Christmas.

"The author is a funny man," Regulus said, grinning. "He thinks all wizards are old men with grey white beards."

"Perhaps he met Dumbledore?" Cassiopeia laughed. "I think that description fits him quite well."

"I do believe you're right." He agreed. "This Tolkien fellow doesn't know much about witches and wizards, but he is rather creative. I think you'll enjoy it." Regulus said, handing his sister a copy of Lord of the Rings.

"Thanks, Reggie. I can't wait to read it." Cassiopeia smiled, ruffling Regulus' black locks.

"We thought we'd find you here." Dorcas said quietly, sitting next to her best friend.

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