Chapter one

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She was waiting impatiently for her name to be called. When she ran from her country she had a relief that she was graduated from the college and now she could find a job otherwise going to college would have been hard. When she first came to this country she had no one to help. It was hard to find an apartment as she had no job. So paying for an apartment and also to feed herself she went for a small job in a cafe. It was very hard for her to work due to extra shifts. But still couldn't meet the ends. She really missed her family, their happy times. She never tried to contact her family because she was scared of the fact that they'll get in danger if she does so. She had went for many interviews but she didn't get any. Now she was sitting in the waiting area in one of the highly reputed and established company William's Enterprises.

She was feeling very nervous but this job could help her a lot as it pays a lot. She always wanted to start a business but fate was not with her. Now she was waiting for the interview as a P.A for the CEO of the company Arthur William. She hasn't heard about him until when she applied for the job. But the tabloids said he was a very strict man and he goes very hard on his employees. She just prayed that she gets the job and hopefully be on his good side. She doesn't want to suffer any further and just wanted to live peacefully. The lady in a black suit called her name...

"Alissia Hemsworth! please follow me"

Alissia thought that she was very sweet,she was in her early thirties and had a warm smile on her face. Alissia felt relieved to see her face. She followed the woman who stopped  in front of the double doors and gestured her to go ahead. Alissia checked her outfit again, she was wearing a white blouse and black pencil skirt, her brunette hair was in soft waves, her brown eyes pops out with her naturally curled lashes, she worn minimum makeup. She took a deep breath and entered the office.

The office looked elegant with black and white combinations. A sofa was laid in a corner with a small coffee table. In the centre there laid a big mahogany desk behind that was Arthur Williams. She felt nervous when she looked at him. He looked very hot but intimidating he reeked of power. His brown hair looked messy. He had this amazing light brown eyes with full lips. His jaw was cut in perfection. He was wearing a black suit. Their gaze met. He did not carry any expression.

"Have a seat"Arthur said.

She sat and composed herself. No matter how nervous she was she needed this job.

"So Alissia Hemsworth why do you want to work here?" Arthur asked.

She took a deep breath and said with a smile...

" Finding a company with a positive work environment and values that align with my own has remained a priority throughout my job search and this company ranks at the top of the list.”

While she said this he just stared at her, she shifted in her seat due to his intimidating gaze.

"You are just a waitress,you have never worked in a company so you have no experience then why should I give you this job?"

She didn't know how to answer but she talked with her honesty.

" It is true that i don't have any experience but everyone needs to start somewhere and this is me trying to find one. And I assure you that I'll do my best if you give me the opportunity"

She never failed to smile and that is one of her specialities no matter what ,she faces everything with a great smile.

"Why William's Enterprises?"he asked..

" As I mentioned earlier I heard that this company has a positive environment and also it is one of the biggest company and it can be a turning point for me. It'll be an honour for me to work here"

"Thank you Miss Hemsworth we'll let you know ,you can leave"

She stood and thanked him with a smile but he just stared at her not even a hint of smile was there and she left.

She went back home and checked her phone but as usual nothing. Her family never contacted her and she also didn't try to contact them either, she missed them so much her father who always jokes, her mom who always carries a warm smile on her face and her brother who supported her and loved her dearly they both were really close to each other it took all her strength to leave them, she blinked her eyes to get rid of the unshed tears she promised herself that she'll never cry and she'll fight....

Her shift at the cafe was only after two hours so she decided to take a bath. Her home was not big, it was a one bedroom apartment with a kitchen and bathroom that was all she could afford and she was grateful for a shelter. After her bath she decided to take a nap she barely gets any time to sleep due to her heavy shifts and of course by spending a lot of time in applying for jobs and attending interviews. She just hoped that her life will relieve her and her family from devastation....

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