A-Dale (pt. 3)

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Allan rode into Nottingham Castle to find no body hanging.

That's either very good or very bad.

Gisborne had sent Allan to do some errands for him at the same time as the execution. Maybe he did it out of pity so Allan wouldn't have to see his ex-friend die. But Allan highly doubted that.

"Allan!" He heard Gisborne scream.

Speak of the devil...

Allan ran to find him looking very disturbed, "What's wrong?"

"He escaped."


"Hood's man escaped not even fifteen minutes ago! He could still be in the Castel! Go find him!"

So, they haven't attempted to hang him yet? Why though?

"Yes!" Allan called a few guards and sent them to look for Will. Allan just made sure he worked alone.

Now if I was WIll Scarlet and I was stuck in Nottingham Castel, where would I go? Suddenly, Allan knew.

He raced to the 'outhouse', making sure nobody was following him. He opened the door to a disgusting smell and being face-to-face with Will.

Nobody said anything.

"You know, I'm surprised that you didn't tell them about this," Will snapped suddenly.

"Consider yourself lucky then," Allan shot back, "It's the last time it'll be used."

"I'll have to knock you out," Will said with a sudden change of attitude, "I'm sorry."

Pity, then?

Allan shook his head sadly, "You don't need to pretend you care. Nobody else does." Will opened his mouth before camping it down. Allan nodded sadly now.

Then Will walked up and swung at him.

Allan regained conscious to have Gisborne staring at him.

"You let him escape?!" He yelled. Allan just stared with petrified eyes.

"Why didn't you bring any guards?"

"There wasn't...there wasn't time," Allan stammered, getting up.

"I will not allow this incompetence!"

"Incompetence? Was it me who let him escape in the first place?" the guards around the area murmured in agreement. Gisborne shrank slightly and walked up into Allan's personal space.

"This," he whispered sharply, "is not over." Allan nodded and everyone piled out of the room.

Will anyone believe me? On either side? Ever? No, I doubt they will. They'll always glance at me over their shoulders when I walk by...Always put a hand to their sword when I put my hand by my side...Always jump when I get up too quickly...Always believe other's words before my own.


A-DaleWhere stories live. Discover now