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Bluewind1 - so yes this is my star wars rebles fan made story I hope you enjoy as you read in the description you know already what this story is about thanks I just want to let you know that I will be updating on Fridays :-) well I shall let you read now hope you like it ♡

Ezra P.O.V

Hahah look there the stupid bucket heads. It looks like they got a lot of supplies there I'm guessing I can check it out to see if there are any good stuff to sell on the market. Jumps down and sees that no one is looking. Good I haven't grabbed any ones attention. Starts to open the crate to see what is inside. Wow look at these blasters these are worth a lot of money great! Now how can I sneak this out off here? Looks around and see more troops coming to get them delivered. Man I don't got enough time I guess I am not gonna be able to do this unnoticed. Jumps on the speeder and starts to drive away. "Ahhh" god who new these things would be so hard to drive? Looks behind him and hears the storm troopers yell "hey you kid stop!" Man they are catching up crap this isn't good I guess I have no time to start looking at the manual. Speeds up and heads to an open area crap man they can shot me clearly now. Looks up to see star fighters following him. "What ever the hell this is it better be worth it" as his face grows wide with fear. I am totally regretting this discussion. I don't think I am gonna be able to loss them. "Ahhhh" ezra screams as he falls off his speeder and it blows up. "Crap!" As he looks to see that he is surrounded by the troopers. I got to make a break for it. Try's to run and some one grabs his arm "I'm agent Kallus and your coming with us!". well this sucks I wish I didn't grab that crate now!


Ezra P.O.V

Well this sucks what a bad day I didn't get the crate, I didn't get the money, I have been put in a cell and am being held in custody by the empire! What else could go wrong ... well maybe I shouldn't be thinking that I mean I could die in here.


Ok that's not a thought I am gonna die in here but why didn't they do it earlier? I mean the empire took my parents away and well why the hell would they keep a kid around? Empire! Gosh I hate them all! Taking my parents away and now they are dead! Hear's the door clash open. Looks over and sees the guy from earlier. "I am agent kallus whats yours?" He looks at me in a clam manner. I look up at him and say "Jaba The Hut" sarcastically and look back down.

"What do you want!" I say angrily. Agent Kallus looks at me and says "you should watch your mouth ... Jaba". I take a deep breath and say "fine I get it I won't steal anymore could you let me go now". "My my is that all you have to say you would be dead sooner if the inquister didnt want you alive!" I don't even know why he would want to see some foolish kid!" Says agent kallus. I give him a glare. what who is the inquisiter and why does he want to see me! I look up at him and say very sarcastically "well well I guess I should be honored then" and then give a smirk. Agent Kallus gives him a glare back and grabs his shirt and says "you watch your tone boy remember if it werent for him you would be dead".Then lets go of his shirt and throws him back on the bench. And walks out to the door "one last thing kid you should be honored he might be the one to kill you if your lucky!" And gives a smirk then agent Kallus looks over at the troops and says "seek him through!" And then walks off. "Wait!" Ezra yells at him then the troops grabs his stuff and walks out. Dammit they took my stuff just great I am gonna stop questioning if it can get any worse because obviously it is gonna get worse. Sits back down oww man that hurt.


Inquister P.O.V

Hears the storm trooper say "sir there is a call for you from agent kallus". The inquister walks to the communicator "alright step aside". Storm trooper says "yes sir" and then walks away.


"Hello sir we have the boy you wanted to see in custody what shall we do with him?" -agent kallus

"I told you nothing till I get there and I will be there soon do I need to keep
reminding you!" -inquister

"No sir" -agent kallus

"Well then make sure the boy has no harm or I will kill you!" -inquister

"Yes sir" -agent kallus

"Good I will be arriving shortly" -inquister

"Yes sir" - agent kallus

Agent Kallus salutes him and ends the communicator.


Bluewind1 - Hi guess I hoped you like it so far and please vote and comment and tell me what you think I would love to her your opinions. Thanks and I hope you enjoy it so far.

Also there is this book that I have been reading and its really good I mean I am sure you must have read it. Its far better then mine but its called "Star wars rebels story" if you haven't read it I would recommend it
And thanks for reading this I really appreciate it and I would love it if you would continue ^.^
*sigh* sorry for all my talking

Star wars rebels ☆The dark side within Ezra☆Where stories live. Discover now