☆Chapter 8☆

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Ezra P.O.V

"Wait" I say she stopped and looked at me I let go of her arm "what ever you are planing ... you might need some help" I say sarcastically and smile. She gives me a look and smiles back and says "how can I trust you?" I give her a look like are you kidding me and say "I hate the empire as much as you do! ... and I wasnt even brought here from my own free will more like forced"

She looks at me not understanding when I say forced but didnt ask anything she sets out her hand in front of me and I shake it agreeing to the deal. Then I hear her say "well alright then I guess we will be working together" and smiles and heads to her room but as she walks away she says "meet me back here tomorrow ... and be sure to win tomorrow too"

I smile and walk to my room as well "you dont have to tell me!" I say sarcastically.


Ezra P.O.V

I wake up and get ready to head out to the training area as I walk with kell we were talking and all and he brings up Sierra name and I just stare at him blankly like who now ?

He gives me a face showing he was pissed off it took me awhile I kinda know her real name now is sabine so I figured I would go by that but he doesnt know so I probably should keep that information to my self "oh ya that girl what about her?" I say sarcastically. He just keeps talking and walking talking about stuff and I zoned out remembering about last night. As we finally get to the training area kell says continuing what ever he was talking about "and I just cant believe every guy is pretty much falling for her it gets me aggravated" I just look at him sarcastically "ya". And smile and continue to get in line kell says angrily back at me "you didnt hear a word I said did you" but I say back at him again being sarcastic "yup".


As we begin the training this time I was frist, sabine was second and then another kid was 3rd the kid that almost beat kell last time to.

As soon as it was over kell walked over to me with a pissed of face. I cant believe this must be bad luck or something. Ezra says sarcastically "yeah I know right that sucks for you well get away from me I dont want to get that kind of bad luck" the laughs alittle kell punch me in the arm I guess he was really upset. As I felt someone punch me in the back I turn around to see it was sabine I almost said her name but then she covered my mouth. She gave out a hig sigh and said "come with me!" I just said "sure love to" she rolled her eyes and I gave kell a wink and said "see ya" he rolled his eyes to and said "we are not done here!" As I headed off. I followed sabine and saw that she was heading to agent kallus office. I backed off cause I knew he would start to think something suspicious if I showed up.I gave sabine a nod to keep going while I wait here. She did and after I saw her done talking to agent kallus and he left she singled me to come back. Me and sabine headed to the room and saw the computer I watched whatever she was doing and she told me to "keep look out" I swung around and I watched the door I groaned in bored um "hurry up they might show up soon cant you do this any faster!" She snaped back at me saying "im trying god this is harder then it looks man ... I feel like I have kanna right behind me with him saying that"

I looked back for a second and then continue looking at the door I'm wonder who this kanna guy is?

As I hear sabine say "got it lets go!" As I open the door with sabine having the chip thing. We headed out. But as soon as I open the door im faced with shock to see the kid that beat kell stop us at the door. I see him asking us "what do you think your doing". I say "none of your business" but then I see sabine say "Im delivering these files who the heck are you!"

I could tell that sabine was getting annoyed hahahah I guess just delaying with me is enough. I here some storm troppers come down are way and the kid pushes us in. "Hey?" I say as he says "well whats this?" And grabs the chip. "Give that back" sabine and I say. He starts to say "are you crazy if you walk out with this the whole place would have gone on lock down!"

We and sabine look at each other in questionly way "why are you helping us?" He takes the chip and puts it back in the computer and turns around and says "well cause you obviously need it ... and by the way my name is leonis".


Ezra P.O.V

As we meet in this room thats quiet and no one would interrupt us but I still didnt know why leonis followed. As we finnaly got to get together I start to hear sabine complain "what do I do now?! I have to come back with that chip!"

I looked at her and I think leonis was thinking the same "why ... why is it so important?"

Sabine looks at me I would be happy to fill you in IF you have an idea on how to get that chip!"

Hmmmm ... maybe that would work.


Flash back ...

Ezra P.O.V

Everyday ever since my injury has held the inquitor would take to the training pravitly and every day it was something different like mainly becoming stronger but then getting revenge I just get this feeling sometimes that drives me crazy I will become well a mean. But then I think like he gives me this stuff that is supposed to help me but I dont believe him then again what could I do say "no thanks" I dont want to see how that would work. But like the training everyday gives me this strange feeling. But hell no I would never let anything get to me even the empire I wont lie though they teach me some stuff really useful but no way am.I gonna work with the empire thats not gonna happen. But the thing I think is the best that I have found out about is the force.


Present ...

Ezra P.O.V

As I look to seem leonis and sabine arugguing about stuff I finally slap out of my zone out momment and smiled and said "hey I think I have an idea!"

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