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four - world alone

Never once did Richie think he could hate a car so much. It sickens him every time they all pile back in, breathing in each other's breath and sinking into the stiff seats. Nightfall is even worse. The darkness that surrounds the car feels as though its trying to suffocate them, forcing them to live in their own lonely world which the headlights just barely break.

Now is one of those times. The streets in front of them are just barely lightened up and not once has a car passed them in what feels like hours. The darkness presses up against the windows, refusing to let peeping eyes see farther than a few inches.

"Have you ever felt like the moon follows you?" Richie asks. He's staring out the window up at the sky, the moon being the only thing he can clearly see in the dark. He's given up on waiting for an answer from his friends. Hour seven was when he realized no matter how much he commented, or asked if any of them were okay, he wasn't going to get much of a response.

"Yeah," Bill's soft voice floats up from behind him. "I, I do."

Beverly shifts in her seat, Ben's jacket gently thrown over her shoulders. "I do, too. It's a bit calming, don't you think?" She asks, peering up at the moon with Bill. She, Bill, and Mike were all stuffed to the back last time they found a gas station, Richie and Stanley claiming the middle section, and Ben taking up the drivers position. Eddie has stayed planted in his seat, unmoving and silent, unless it was to use the restroom.

Richie leans over and taps on Eddie's shoulder.

"Hey Eds," he says, keeping his voice soft and even. Ever since yesterday, he's grown more and more afraid of what's going on inside Eddie's mind. He wonders what the boy is thinking, what he's feeling, if he is utterly disgusted and filled with hatred at them all. Richie tries not to dwell on the possibility Eddie could hate them all, but fuck is it hard not to think about. "Eddie, have you seen the moon?"

Just one reaction, Richie thinks, One reaction, please.. and I'll know for sure

Eddie shifts, or maybe it was the car running over a grove in the road that made him move. Richie isn't sure. But then Eddie turns his head to look at Richie the best he could, the grip around his legs faltering.

"Yes, I've seen the moon before, dipshit."

Richie snorts softly, probably against his better judgement. "No, Eds," he says and presses his fingertips into Eddie's shoulder. "Tonight. It's a full moon."

Eddie keeps his eyes on Richie's, then slides them over to the window. He searches the sky before pausing, his gaze fixated on the moon. He hums softly and sets his chin back down, going silent once more. Seems like to Richie he couldn't give less of a crap.

god damn it, Richie thinks. He returns his fingernails to his skin.

He sighs heavily and falls back into his seat. He knows he shouldn't be upset, he got what a wanted. For Eddie to talk, to give him something.. so why is he still feeling this way? All.. gross and sad inside. He doesn't like it.

Up ahead, Ben points out a mass of bright, fluorescent lights. "Maybe there's a motel?" He suggests, turning on the blinker.

"M-M-Muh.. m-maybe," Bill's voice calls out, "I w-wuh-want t-to sleep in an a-ah-actual bed."

"Could you go one word without stuttering?" Stanley mumbles, his voice masked by his shirt sleeve but still clearly heard. Beverly whips around from the window to face him and asks, "What the hell, Stanley?"

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