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seven - not dead

The motel room is small and cramped, especially with seven of them, but they make it work. It reeks horribly of bleach and Beverly is quick to force open a window, trying to relieve the smell at least a little bit. They shuffle around each other as they begin claiming the bathroom and single bed the motel has to offer. The last three (Ben, Beverly, and Stanley as Bill was first to claim the shower) stood around with crossed arms and frustrated sighs.

"Where do you expect us to sleep?" Stanley asks, motioning to the very little room left on the bed.

Eddie sits in the middle of Mike and Richie, under the blankets with an extra pillow tucked in his arms. "On the floor," he says plainly and receives a quick laugh from Richie.

"You heard him. Get on the floor! Now, now, now! I wanna see you give me-"

"Walls are thin, Richie," Mike interjects.

"Unlike the walls of your mothers vag-"

"I want another room," Stanley complains, uncrossing his arms and walking around Beverly to get to the TV set.

"Don't we all?" Ben mutters under his breath, giving the bed one last longing look before following Stanley. He goes to the closet and opens the door to search the top shelves for extra pillows and blankets. To his surprise, he finds more than just that. A cot is folded up and pushed against the closet walls, a very thin mattress over the metal frames.

"Guys!" He calls out, reaching in and pulling it out of its hiding place. "I call the cot!"

"The hell? Is there another one?" Beverly asks, leaning on the edge of the bed to take a closer look. Sadly for her and the other two, there was only one. But happily for them, there are pillows and extra blankets stored away on the top shelf which Stanley walks over and brings down.

While Stanley and Beverly situate a bed on the floor, Bill comes out of the bathroom with fresh clothes and dripping wet hair. "I'm next!" Beverly says, jumping up off the ground and racing towards the bathroom.

"I'll shower in the morning," Mike says as he stretches out from under the covers, "Too tired."

Richie looks over and nudges the boy beside him, a small smile gliding up onto his face. "Hey, Eds, we can shower together to save water," he offers.

Eddie slowly lifts his eyes to Richie, then narrows them. "In your fucking dreams," he says, swiftly kicking Richie's shin before curling back up. "I'm showering after Beverly."

Even with the sharp pain spreading through Richie's leg, he can't help but laugh a little. His smile glows as he looks over at Eddie because the boy is finally talking again. He's not as silent as the world anymore. Richie hopes it will stay that way, that Eddie won't fall back into his ghost-like self. Quiet and floating along with the group.

Bill takes it upon himself to switch on the TV, flipping through dully colored channels until he lands on a News channel. No one asked for it, yet no one objects it either. They all fall quiet, eyes trained on the screen as Bill backs away.

Richie searches for a state name, or maybe even a city. He'll take anything at this point to get even the slightest clue as to where they ended up. It's been a near full day of driving with occasional stops, they could be anywhere. But it's just boring News stuff. Weather, traffic, heartwarming stories of local heroes.

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