Story Time #13

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Sorry for not writing sooner. I just got out of school and I'm going to be a 10th grader in August. Not to mention, I also had two big tests to study for and a lot of work to turn in. Thank you, to all my readers for helping me reach 892 reads! I really appreciate every single one of you, for taking time out of your life to read my stupid stories. I'm also thankful for this platform, because it gives me the ability to do something I like and be me. I hope everyone is still staying safe out there, and as a sorry for not uploading I got an interesting story. You can skip to the bold words for the story if you don't want to hear what I've been up to.

First of all, Ive begun doing excersize. And let me tell you, I have never felt better. I've been using a 30 day excersize app and it's doing wonders. It helps you track your weight and reminds you to drink water (which is something I need to do more). I'm on my fourth day streak and so far so good. It's practically become a part of my lifestyle. Even I have begun to notice changes. By changes I don't mean physical changes. At least not yet. I mean mental and emotional changes. Before getting up and out of my bed, felt like a chore. And doing excersize, even worse. Now, I have something to look forward too. The excersizes don't wear me out completely yet still manage to make me sweat a lot. For anyone out there who's struggling to do even do a little bit of excercize I know how you feel. It's really unmotivating when all your doing is being stuck in the house all day. For me especially, because I had my P.E. class with a couple of really good friends which made it not so boring. I have a really active and outgoing competitive friend that always used to challenge me. Thats what sometimes kept me motivated. Or maybe it was the fact that my P.E. teacher was really nice and somehow managed to push everyone forward. She would always break the boundaries set, and would try and get us to do better. I know she'd be proud if she knew I was doing excersize on my own without it being a part of my homework log. Whatever it may be, let me know if you want to know what app Im using. I know making changes are never easy and maybe thats why some people need a little push. Like me!

Pizza Story

And now for the pizza story! Something interesting happened today and thought it would be worth sharing. I have never thought my mom being really social was a good thing, until now. My mom is the kind of mom that spends an extra 15 minutes to talk to the store employee simply because she's that social. It used to bother me when I was younger because she'd always lose track of time in a conversation and I'd get impatient. Today though, has changed my opinion. I went with my dad to go get pizza. We had ordered by phone and just had to go pick it up. We drove to the pizza place and my dad stayed in the car while I went to pick it up. There were two men standing aside from the door, and I asked "Estan en linea?" Which means are you two in line? They replied no, they had already ordered and told me to go ahead. The pizza place has a one customer at a time policy so I waited by the open door while a man was paying. A lady with red hair, maybe in her 30s walked up to the men behind me and said "Ya pagaron?" Which means did you already pay? They told her the same thing they did to me to which she replied ok. She walked up to me, looked at me then cut in front of me. She stepped in the place completely ignoring the one customer at a time policy. I thought that maybe she didn't know I was standing in line, by the door. The thing is, I was standing in front of the door; and she didn't even bother to ask me if I was in line. She just ignored me and walked in. I kind of just let it slide. I mean, it was just one person. This is where my mom being social comes into play. My mom knows the man that runs the pizza place and we always go there for pizza, so he knows us. She would often chat with him and another lady so they knew me. The man told the lady that cut in front of me "Señora. Se puede esperar? La niña llego primero y estaba en linea antes que usted." Which means "Miss. Can you please wait? That girl came in first and was waiting in line before you came." The woman walked out and said, "Si, si. Para que no piensen que soy-" "Yea, yea. So you won't think that I'm-" I didn't hear the rest because I walked in to pay. The man that runs the place asked me how I was and I said I was fine. I heard the lady thats always chatting with my mom say that I'm 'la hija de esa señora'. Which basically means, 'That one ladys daughter'. I was secretly glad that they told that lady to wait because even if your in a rush, you should still be respectful. Besides, I was in line first. Turns out my pizza was ready and I didn't have to wait. So in a weird way, I'm lucky to have such a social mom.

Thanks for reading, sorry it was so long and stay safe! <3

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