Story Time #17

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❗Note: I will be talking about the pandemic a bit more in depth, I know some people might be having trouble coping with their anxiety and might not be in the best state to hear certain alarming things right now. So if you're looking for something lighter, look for these stars. 🌟❗

🌟I turned 16 and with that I welcome everyone to 2021. As the first story of this year, I thought I should celebrate it appropriately, with a juicy story. Problem is, this pandemic has stretched out quite long. I dont have a story to tell, because there is nothing but schoolwork to talk about. And I don't think anybody wants to hear about that. I'm not irritated or bored as much as I was in the begining of this pandemic. Im just exhausted mentally, in a state of mind where at this point I'm just waiting for it to end. My family and I have been following the guidelines, rules and everything. How has this pandemic not ended?🌟

I know that it won't end magically and if the numbers in deaths started decreasing, it would somehow go up again. People would think its safe to go out again and some might even get careless and just throw parties, since it seems like its ending. Then the whole cycle would repeat again. Also, is it just me or is it that every week I turn on the news the headlines always find a new way to freak everyone out? I swear every week it says that the number of deaths are the highest they've ever been and that Covid-19 cases are rising. It really sucks. It's also heart breaking to hear the stories about how nurses have had to hold the hands of dying patients. I saw a video the other day that really tore me apart from the inside. It's also really devasting thinking about the mass graves being dug for all those that have died from COVID-19.

I know I get told that I'm not supposed to think about these kinds of things. That I'm not supposed to worry about it, but I do. I have my final chemistry test soon and I have so many projects I need to turn in along with completing some presentations and it's all in my head. They can't tell me not to worry about it when it's on the news constantly. They can't tell me that everything's fine as if the numbers of people dying were decreasing, when they're not. No one else in my family seems to worry about it as much as me and I think its because of my anxiety acting up. Maybe it's because I want to be a registered nurse working in the hospital when I'm older. I guess it even worries me now, that there aren't enough beds to help patients. That in other places doctors and nurses have to choose which patients live and die based on their chance of survival. Anyone could call me dramatic, because maybe I am being overdramatic. Maybe I'm making this a bigger issue than it is, but the numbers don't lie. Today the number of cases is  24.1M in the U.S. As for deaths today its at 399K. Now if you look at the data for my state it shows: Cases  3.03M. Deaths: 33,741. It doesn't take a genius to be able to tell that we make up a large sum of cases. Another thing, my state became the first to surpass 3 million Covid-19 infections. As for tomorrow? Who knows? The numbers increase everyday. Sorry if I rambled a bit, it's just frustrating and stressful.

🌟To end this off on a lighter topic, I'll talk about the one thing my sister and I have been doing. I bought clothes in the earlier months of when the pandemic first started, I was told that there was a chance it would end quickly and school would open again. It never happened and my sister and I are in a "screw this" kind of mentality. We've been following social distance guidelines, wearing masks (of course) and for the sake of keeping some sanity, we sometimes dress up to do small things. Things like going to the grocery store, picking up the mail or maybe just to chill at home. We both know this pandemic isn't going away anytime soon so we're just making the most of it. Even if we have no where to go, we dress fancy or something. Its just about feeling nice, or feeling like you have somewhere important to be. We don't do this all the time though. Its mostly when we get spontaneous amounts of optimistic energy on the weekends and feel like dressing up.🌟

That's it for today though, hope you're all doing okay. Sorry if this chapter was stressful. Take care everyone.

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