Story Time #12

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I really need to update more often. Sorry! I hadn't forgotten about you all though! Thank you all for 563 reads! It feels like a good acomplishment that other people enjoy reading what I write. It has definitely become one of my hobbies now.


It's been a while since I'd written about how I feel and I might as well ramble about it here. School is a big topic that has been circling inside my head with no end. Reality is really hitting me now. The chances of me going back to school within the next few months are slim. I had always kept hoping that I'd go back, completely forgetting how dangerous the virus is. During a zoom meeting one of my teachers gave me some hope that perhaps in the fall we'd go back. Not everything would be back to normal, obviously, but students would get a chance to interact with one another. I wanted to have some hope too, but it doesn't feel like thats going to happen at all though. Quarentine can last for a few more months or it can extend for up to 3 years. Maybe even more. Something else that has made my experience during quarantine weird, is wanting to go out shopping. For clothes. I used to hate going out shopping for clothes. Mainly because my mom likes to wander everywhere and look at everything. I would usually wait in the car with my dad while my mom went shopping along with my sister. Sometimes, she would walk in a store, glance at everything (which remind you she would last an hour or two), then walk out with nothing. If I had nothing to distract me to pass the time I would go nuts in the car. I on the other hand just like to grab what I need and leave. I have plenty of clothes. So I'm not exactly sure why I've been feeling this way. Maybe its because a part of me regrets not having gone shopping with my mom and sister more. Or It's because I'm driving myself insane inside my room. (I think it's the second reason.) Whatever it may be, I hope I'm not the only one. Thats all for today.

Stay safe and healthy.


I asked my best friend on a call if she was feeling the same way about shopping and she said yes! So glad I'm not the only one!

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