Chapter 10: Une Déclaration D'amour

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Part 01: The Executive Council Meeting

"Ma'am, I have President Kobayashi and a Mr. Thapthim Nontanakorn here to see you" Annette said, holding the phone receiver on her ear as Aiden and Min stood in front of her desk.

"Yes ma'am, right away" Annette responded before hanging the phone up, she then led Aiden and Min in front of the Vice Chancellor's office. Anette knocked on the door before entering, leaving Aiden and Min outside. As they waited to be called in, Aiden glanced at Min, who looked uneasy and nervous, fidgeting as they stood outside the office.

"Stop fidgeting!" Aiden whispered as Min continued to fidget.

"I can't, I'm too nervous right now" Min whispered back as his hands started getting cold, his heart racing, not knowing why he was summoned to the Vice Chancellor's office with Aiden out of the blue.

"Breathe and calm down. I don't know why you're so nervous" Aiden whispered again before Anette emerged from the office, carrying folders and paperwork on her arm.

"You can come in now" Anette said as she gestured for Aiden and Min to enter as she stood close to the office doors. Aiden and Min walked into the office before Anette closed the door behind them. When they entered, they saw Vice Chancellor Gutierrez signing paperwork and documents, which was literally piled up on her desk. Aiden and Min just stood in front of the circular mat that bore the logo of MJU, waiting for the Vice Chancellor to say something.

"Well, don't just stand there, come closer" Vice Chancellor Gutierrez said as she continued signing the documents on her desk. Aiden and Min walked towards the Vice Chancellor, standing in front of her desk as they arrived. After signing one more document, she finally placed her pen down, taking her glasses off before looking at Aiden and Min.

"You both can take a seat" The Vice Chancellor said as Aiden sat on the armchair to the Vice Chancellor's right-hand side, and Min to her left-hand side. Min was still nervous at this point, he looked at Aiden, and was surprised to see him so calm.

"The Executive Council meeting won't start for another 20 minutes" Vice Chancellor Gutierrez said as she started the conversation.

"We could use this time to explain everything to Min, he looks like he's about to die of nervousness" Aiden commented as Vice Chancellor Gutierrez looked at the other boy, who was clearly looking anxious and uneasy just by being there.

"Don't be nervous Mr. Nontanakorn, you're not in trouble or anything" Vice Chancellor Gutierrez told Min as she tried to reassure him.

"May I ask why I was called in here?" Min asked, still feeling nervous. Vice Chancellor Gutierrez was surprised, as she assumed that Aiden already told Min why he was called over to her office.

"Aiden, don't tell me you didn't even inform Mr. Nontanakorn?" Vice Chancellor Gutierrez said, looking at Aiden who was just sitting nonchalantly.

"I may have forgotten to tell him" Aiden replied sarcastically as he kept his eyes on Min.

Vice Chancellor Gutierrez sighed, "You shouldn't tease people like that Aiden". Min looked at the Vice Chancellor first, and then shifted his eye towards Aiden, confused as to what they were talking about. The vagueness of their conversation wasn't helping Min one bit, who was feeling more uneasy and nervous.

"Fine, fine. I'll tell him" Aiden reluctantly conceded, ending his psychological torture on Min, which in every aspect was uncalled for and somewhat mean.

"You were summoned here today because you're going to help me with the presentation of my proposals to the Executive Council meeting" Aiden explained.

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