Chapter 14: Near Miss

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"That family name be damned" Aiden said, wiping the blood dripping from his forehead as he stood back up, "I HATE YOU!" Aiden added before he started running towards the burning wreckage of the car.

"Maya! After him!" Carlos ordered as Maya placed her phone back in her pocket as she tried to run after the young boy. It proved difficult for Maya, given that she was wearing a business suit, and heels.

As Aiden ran past the burning wreckage of the car, Maya called out "Master—" before the car suddenly exploded, throwing her back a few feet from where she was, her ears ringing from the loud explosion, the blaze engulfing the young boy's silhouette as it disappeared from her view.

Maya tried to get up from the pavement as the sound of sirens started bellowing from the distance. She tried to get back up on her feet when a black car pulled up behind her and was quickly pulled inside the vehicle before speeding away from the burning wreckage.

As her senses came back to her, tears started rolling down her eyes, "The young master... I- I couldn't.." Maya cried, feeling the burden of guilt for not being able to save the young master from the same fate as his mother and younger brother suffered.

"Crying about it will not bring him back, nor will it bring back Yuriko and Itsuki!" Carlos coldly quipped as Maya continued crying, her clothes torn at different places from the explosion.

"He was just a few feet away from me, but.. I.. I couldn't save him" Maya responded, her voice cracking.

"There's nothing you can do for them now. You need to get a hold of yourself Maya!" Carlos coldly replied as they made their way back to the Labrador Group of Corporations' Headquarters.

All Maya could do at that time was to cry, bearing the mantle of guilt for not being able to save the last and only remaining heir to the Labrador Group of Corporations. The deaths of lady Yuriko, and the young masters were huge blows to Maya, as she was close to them like they were her own family.

The fact that she wasn't able to save at least one of them continued to haunt her since that fateful night, always carrying with her the feeling of survivor's guilt, and consumed by so many "What ifs" scenario. Although she was haunted by all of these, she has learned to not show these feelings and emotions when in front of Chairman Labrador, members of the Labrador Family, and at work.

It's been four days since the new members of the Student Council were sworn-in, and in the short amount of time since then, Aiden has already made progress on the most pressing issue that they were facing – the Student Congress. Ever since they delivered their demands via Grace, the Student Council hasn't been able to respond or react to it, given the nature and sensitivity of the situation.

The inclusion of Beatrice as the Attorney-General, emboldened Aiden to finally confront the opposition within the Student Congress. A day after being sworn-in, Beatrice, along with Grace and Moira, were dispatched by Aiden to defuse, contain, and control the situation. Per Aiden's instructions, Grace informed the opposition leaders that the Student Council was outright and vehemently rejecting their demands.

The opposition leaders were up-in-arms due to the Student Council's response, threatening Grace that the Legislative Branch would bring this matter to the Judicial Branch for adjudication. The matter almost went out of control until Beatrice intervened, giving a complete and detailed legal interpretation of the Student Government Constitution to the opposition leaders.

Beatrice turned the situation into the Student Council's favor after forcefully and wittingly explaining to the opposition leaders why they would lose any adjudication they request from the Judicial Branch as the demands they were asking from the Student Council were completely unconstitutional. Beatrice also added that their argument carries very little weight and have no chance of surviving the rigorous judicial review of the Student Courts, Student Court of Appeals, and the Student Supreme Court.

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