Chapter 08: A Peek into the Past

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Everyone's attention was turned towards Min, who was standing at the head of the conference table, sweating, and catching his breathe. Grace, Katrina, Moira, Oscar, and Prince were staring at Min, slightly blushing, their mouths partly opened as they gazed on Min who was looking really attractive and sexy with him drenched in sweat, notwithstanding his haggard and unkept look. Although Aiden was looking as well, he tried his hardest not to focus entirely on Min, rather, he tried to move his eyes from one direction to the next, still within where Min was standing.

"Have you all started the meeting? Sorry for barging in like that" Min said as he unbuttoned the first two button of his polo as he tried to cool his body down.

Grace, Katrina, Moira, Oscar, and Prince gulped as they got a glimpse of Min's upper chest. Like his face, it was sweaty as well, his toned chest particularly made Oscar moan silently as he started getting excited with what he was seeing. When Aiden's eyes got a glimpse of Min's chest, he lowkey blushed, and the scenes from his office the previous night flashed in his head again.

"Errr... Is everyone okay?" Min continued as everyone locked their gaze on him. Oscar suddenly stood up from where he was sitting and approached Min, who then started wiping the sweat from his face, slowly going down to his neck and then his upper chest. As Oscar wiped Min's chest, he started moaning in excitement. Min didn't seem to mind but was startled when Oscar started wiping his chest. Prince had a moment of confusion when Min unbuttoned his polo, she felt like she went straight for a few seconds.

As Oscar wiped Min's sweat, Moira's face started turning red, although she didn't say or react in any way that would have defused the situation. She was fuming due to the simple fact that, in her mind, it should be Aiden doing what Oscar was doing. Grace and Katrina could only cringe as Oscar was lowkey taking advantage of the situation to grope Min, like Moira, they didn't say anything or react. Min was a bit embarrassed, but didn't seem to mind what Oscar was doing, let alone push him back. Under normal circumstances, any straight guy would've reacted from being groped like that.

When Aiden saw what Oscar was doing, he felt a bit irritated inside, he doesn't know the reason why, but he immediately dismissed it as something more in line with his duties as President of the Student Council more than something personal in nature. Aiden is straight, but for some reason, Min's presence, and the misfortunes that he brings with him has had made Aiden react in ways that he hasn't done before.

Aiden continued to watch Oscar being touchy with Min as the irritation started building up inside him. When it got to the point that he couldn't stand it anymore, he suddenly slammed his hand on the conference table, interrupting Oscar, and causing everyone in the room to turn their attention towards Aiden who still had his usual stoic expression, but inside, he was irritated and starting to get annoyed with what he was witnessing in front of him.

"Enough! Min, get yourself freshened up" Aiden ordered as Oscar pulled his hand out of Min's chest, "Katrina, check the storage room for any extra shirt that Min could use", Katrina immediately complied as Min walked over to the couch and placed his backpack on it. Oscar pocketed his handkerchief and sat back down to his assigned seat.

"While I appreciate your gesture of kindness towards the International Student Representative, I strongly advice you not to repeat that playful and implicit advances in the future. This applies to both domestic and International Students, if you wish to do something of that nature, refrain from doing it within campus. Do I make myself abundantly clear Oscar?" Aiden fired his opening salvo, the tone of his voice sounded the same, but it was mixed with irritation and annoyance, something that Katrina, Aaron, Jasper and Mingyu would've picked up had they been present.

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