Chapter 28

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Nya's POV

"A little left...a little right...perfect," I guide Jay. He's putting up a vine archway for when people walk into the dance. We decided on a nature theme, and I think we were able to pull it off.

We have dozens of potted plants lining the gym. The bleachers that are compressed against the wall are lined with strings of flowers. The gym floor is covered in a green tarp to prevent the heels people are going to wear from scuffing it. The tarp is partially covered by various different flower petals. At the front of the gym, there's a little stage set up. The DJ is getting everything hooked up, her station set up in the center of the stage. Next to her, on two little pedestals, the homecoming king and queen crowns rest.

Since the student body voted for king and queen on an app, there were no votes that had to be tallied. It was done automatically. The results are in an envelope on the DJ booth.

I asked Jay to tell me, but he claimed he was sworn to secrecy. It makes sense, considering my brother and one of my best friends are both in the council, but I still want to know.

"How much more do we need to set up?" Jay asks, walking over to where I'm sitting in a chair. I've been itching to help all day, but because of my leg, I've just had to direct Jay.

"Only the bringing the snacks to the snack booth," I answer, looking down at the checklist of everything we have to do.

"Great. I have coolers full of sodas and waters in the ASB room, and the rest of the snacks are in my car," he offers his hand to help me up, and I take it. I grab the crutches from next to me, placing them under my armpits.

"Lead the way," I smile. The two of us walk to the ASB room first. It's less than a minute walk from the gym, even when I'm on crutches. We walk into the room, and resting by the door, three coolers rest on a flatbed cart. "That's a lot of overpriced water."

"Hey, people buy the overpriced water. Have you seen the people at this school at school dances? They never stop," he grabs the handle of the flatbed and pushes it out of the room.

"At least it'll be cheaper than amusement park water." The two of us walk to just outside the gym where the snack booth is partially set up. It's decorated with various plants, but the snacks themselves aren't there.

While I'm not expecting it, Jay snakes his arms around me, wrapping me in a hug from behind. He rests his head on top of mine. "You look really beautiful." His words out a smile on my face.

"Can you move so I can see you?" I ask, considering I can't just turn my body around to see him because of my ankle. He complies, walking so he's in front of me before wrapping his arms around me again.

"You're looking extra handsome," I tell him. He has on black dress pants and a long sleeved, black button down. It's accented by a blue bow tie, matching his outfit with mine. I'm wearing a knee length blue dress with silver accents across my torso.

Our hug is interrupted when I feel a vibration in Jay's pocket. He notices too. He removes one of his arms from around me, leaving the other one, and pulls out the vibrating phone with his newly freed hand. It's my phone. It was in his pocket since I have no place to put it.

"It's your mom," he tells me, looking at the caller ID, before handing it to me.

I groan but pick it up nonetheless. "Hi, mom," I say semi bitterly.

"Hi Nya. How's my girl doing? Kai told me it's homecoming tonight," it's no shock that she called him first.

"I'm actually setting the dance up right now, so I need to go," I try to dismiss her as quickly as possible.

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