22) short shorts - minho

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Hey I'm back from the dead. 👍. I got a random burst of inspo. I want to say THANK YOU FOR 1k READS THATS AMAZING. IM SO FLIPPING HAPPY. I LOVE EVERYONE WHO READ THIS AND VOTED IT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME.

I hope this is funny.

You groan rolling over in bed your arm falling over the empty spot

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You groan rolling over in bed your arm falling over the empty spot.

Usually Minho is laying directly on top of you when you sleep. No matter what you do he always ends up on top. But this morning he wasn't. He had to wake up early for a keeper meeting before his daily run.

You sit up yawning and stretch your limbs. You carefully maneuver yourself out of the bed. You hiss when your feet touch the cold floor.

Shuffling to the small bathroom you quickly brush your teeth and tame the knots in your hair. Today you leave your hair down. Usually you put it in a high ponytail because Minho loves it like that, but today you felt lazy.

Shuffling back into your room you head to your drawer that Gally made for you and you carved some designs into it with a knife that he also made you.

Opening it you pull out your favorite tank top. It's a light blue tank top that's higher on the chest so it shows no cleavage but it's tight so it shows that you have boobies.

You look for a pair of shorts to wear, but you soon notice that there is only one pair left and it's the worst one. They are sorta right and short. You were wearing them when you first came to the glade and that was about two years ago. Your body has changed since then.

"Must be laundry day" you mumble unhappily.

Picking up the shorts you carefully tug them on. You have to pull hard to get them over your butt.

"These are much tighter than I remember"

You manage to get them on and zip up the zipper. You look down to see a little bit of your Butt is hanging out.

"Shuck" You know immediately that you're going to be getting a lot of attention today from the other gladers.

You look around your room for something to cover your butt unfortunately there is nothing because it's LAUNDRY DAY. Duh duh duuuuuuuhh.

You slip on some socks and shoes and walk out the door.

As soon as you're out of the homestead you keep your head down knowing the boys are looking.

"Damn y/n I didn't know you looked so good"


"That's shucking hot"

"I guess someone wants attention"

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