Chapter 13

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I started hyperventalating. I can't go back now. I thought about telling Nate. I knew, at least alone, the man stood no chance against our fighters. I wondered how he had picked the perfect time to show up though. Right when I was being given my title. I didn't want to put anyone's lives in danger if he had spies or friends hiding around.

I then noticed he was holding something. A baby. He held it low, probably trying not to bring attention to it. I inhaled deeply to try and catch the baby's scent over the crowd, and I froze. Sammy.

I was terrified. Had he hurt Zack and Ash? Is he going to hurt the baby? I didn't want anyone to get hurt over me.

He knew I was watching, and he knew I was scared. He smiled and gestured between two houses. I assumed he wanted me to slip away and meet him there. I gave one small nod and checked to make sure nobody saw it.

Nate wrapped up the meeting and stepped off the stage. He waited for me and helped me down.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" He asked, wrapping a supporting arm around me.

My parents approached us, worried, "Do you know where Zack and Ash took Sammy?"

I didn't know what I should tell them without suspicion, "Maybe they went for a walk?" I hoped it was convincing.

They seemed to believe me, but were still noticeably worried. My next problem was slipping away without causing further suspicion.

"You guys go back to Nate's house. I'll catch up." I begged silently for them to listen.

"I can't leave you alone here." Nate argued, "You're still too nervous around the pack."

"It's okay, please..." I tried my best not to sound desperate or scared, "I'll be fine. It will be good for me."

Nobody looked convinced, but they reluctantly agreed. They told me if anything happens, scream for them. They left and I slipped behind the houses, my heart racing.

The man emerged from behind a bush, still holding Sammy, "I'm surprized you'd give yourself up for a family you barely remember."

I started shaking, "Where's my brother and his mate?"

"Oh, they're fine." He chuckled, "Put up one hell of a fight, but they are unharmed. They will be let go and reunited with this one if you just come with me."

"Everyone will know something is wrong if I don't go home." I tried to reason, "They will come looking for me."

"Home! You don't have a home. You are just as unwanted as you were." He laughed, "Why do you think nobody found you before? They never looked!"

"They couldn't find me..." I protested, trying not to believe him.

"Think about it, little Delily." He moved closer, "Your scent couldn't have been gone so quickly that night. Any loving parent could have found something - anything to track."

By this point, tears were rolling down my face. I didn't want to believe him, but what he was saying made sense. Maybe he was right. Maybe nobody cared enough to search gor me.

"But Nate cares about me." I murmured, "If no one else, he'll be worried."

"He's only pretending because he's stuck with you." He replied, "That mark on your neck means he owns you. Nothing else. Hey, maybe he'd thank me for taking you from him."

It was becoming hard to keep my crying quiet, "Fine... I'll go with you. As long as you let my brother's family go."

He smiled, "Of course, kitten."

Broken Mate (Sequel to My Cruel Mate)Where stories live. Discover now