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     Authors note: hey, a new story that I felt like writing. It's pretty angsty and all just for fun. All characters shown in the story are owned by Thomas Sanders who is the Creator of Sander Sides. All I own is the story and cover. Thank you for reading and enjoy!

Third POV:

     Thomas sat on the couch basking in silence. After talking with the sides on the latest dilemma, he was left alone as they disappeared into the mindscape. It had went... Fairly well. Deceit revealed his name to be Janus as he was accepted into 'light sides'. The wedding problem was solved, but it still left a slight sour taste in Thomas's mouth.
      But what has bothered him most was Romans actions and words. He has made fun of Janus and in retaliation Janus compared him to Remus. He knew it hurt the side as he sunk out with a solemn face. He'd have to check on him later, just to see if he's ok.

      Thomas sunk further into the couch, he felt oddly.... Frustrated. Just a tiny bit. He didn't know why, there was nothing to be mad about. He felt more tired then mad from solving their, or his problem. Thomas groaned and got up walking slowly to his bed. The suit he had been wearing was already off leaving a shirt and some pants on him. He flopped onto the bed willing himself to sleep.

     But the anger twinged at him, like a small nagging part of him wanted to scream into a pillow. Was one of the sides angry? Why? Nothing had really happened to make one of them angry.

      Thomas glanced at his clock, 12 pm. Okay, not the best time to sleep. He did have things to do, like editing an upcoming video. Thomas shrugged and pulled a blanket over him. Whatever, he'll just sleep the day away.

      It wasn't long before Thomas was passed out on his bed snoring away.

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