Chapter 4

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Third POV: Logan

     He stood there shaking ever so slightly. His emotions that had been stowed away for so long, they began pouring out like a waterfall. His legs crumbled as Logan fell to the ground clutching his hair to the point of it hurting. Sobs racked his body as he wept on the ground.

      Logan was so lost, he didn't understand. Why was water leaking from his eyes, why did he grip his hair like a lifeline? He felt like he couldn't breathe, scared, but most of all furious at the sides.
     "G-god damn it!" He shouted at no one. He needed to calm down, he really shouldn't have said the things he said. But, is it really that bad? Maybe they got the message and will finally listen!

     Logan wiped the water from his eye, which he guess we're probably tears. He'd never cried before. Shivering slightly at the sudden coldness of his room, he had never noticed before but now he could feel the icy crisp of it. Was this because he was feeling? Huh. Logan glanced at the board after finally steading his breathing, it had some odd words on it. The board usually said whatever Thomas was thinking, allowing Logan to answer whatever questions may come to Thomas's mind. But instead it adorned a simple word, 'wrath'. "What?" He muttered slowly getting up. His legs felt a little wobbly from the previous break down but he still managed to get up. A headache also seized him pounding at his skull. Logan smoothed out his clothes, but something was odd about them. Instead of a dark blue tie a bright menacing orange tie took it place. "What?" That seemed to be the only thing he could say.

      Logan rushed to the bathroom up stairs and glanced in the mirror. There he stood, glasses askew and hair slightly ruffled. But the main feature were his eyes. No longer were dark blue eyes there but instead bright orange ones. Why was he represented as orange not blue? Had he changed... Sides? Jobs? Logan stumbled back in shock. That's not possible, he's logic! Not whatever this is! The chalk board flashed back in his mind, wrath was what it said right? He went back down stairs, was he now wrath? Impossible. He didn't want to be that.
     "Can I.. change that?" He grabbed the dry eraser and swiped at the words. They stayed. He tried again, and again, and again, again, again, again! But they stayed, seeming to mock him, as if to say "you're no longer a good side!". But that's not true! He's logic! "I'm not wrath! Please change me back!" He cried, "I didn't mean to get mad, I just want to be..." His words fell on deaf ears. Logan threw the eraser in a fit of rage. Guess that just proves the words point. Logic could never feel emotions, and when he did he changed sides. He glared at the orange tie, there must be some way to go back. This isn't what he wanted. That's when the room began to spin.

Third POV: Thomas

     They were back in Logan's room with Remus now accompanying them.
      "Wow, you weren't kidding when you said cold! This dude lives in a freezer!" Remus yelled shivering slightly. The word on the chalk board still remained, though now the dry eraser was thrown to the side.
     "Logan? Logan buddy, we're here to talk." Thomas shouted but he didn't come.
     "Thomas, be careful. He is in the room." Janus warned looking around with suspicion.
     "Logan wouldn't hurt us!" Patton said, though there was a hint of doubt in his words. He didn't know what to do, or what state Logan was in.
      "I hate to say this," they all jumped at Virgil's sudden voice. He had stayed silent most of the time in Logan's room. "But, do you think he turned into," Virgil gestured to the chalk board, "wrath." Roman gasped dramatically while Janus looked a bit confused. Did Thomas even have a wrath side?
     "Can, he even change from logic to wrath?" Patton asked looking a little scared. Thomas didn't blame him, wrath did sound a bit scary when you think about it.
     "No. That's not possible. Maybe it's a different function of his." Janus suggested giving a quick glance behind him.
      "Why are we just standing here, let's find wrath!" Remus yelled almost knocking the TV over.
      "I'm NoT wRaTh" a distorted voice cut through. It was loud and creepy, kinda like Virgil's when he gets all panicked. But there Logan stood, hair still messy and orange eyes and tie still there. "I'm LogIc" he yelled looking very irritated.
      "Logan... What happened?" Thomas asked nervously. Roman had pulled out his sword and Virgil looked about ready to bail at his loud voice.
     "Oh, So nOw YoU lIsTen-" he stopped and ruffled his hair in annoyance. "SHUT UP!" Logan shouted at no one in particular.
      "You.. okay?" Patton said reaching a hand out as he approached him.
      "Do I lOoK oKaY yOu bUmBliNg IdIoT!?" He snapped as an unknown force pushed Patton back who slammed against a wall. He slowly got back up rubbing his back.
     "Ow..." He muttered as Roman helped him up.
      "That was uncalled for nerdy fiend!" Roman shouted pointing his sword at him. A wild look was in Logan eyes and Thomas wasn't so sure that they should provoke him.
      "I'll sHoW yOu FiEnD, yOu KnOcK oFf PrInCe!" Logan hissed suddenly growing in size. The sides and Thomas watch in fear as Logan grew claws and fire pooled from his mouth and eyes. His hair rose like flames, he looked like a proper demon. "You'll ReGrEt EvEr CoMiNg HeRe!"

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